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“Mad to Be Saved”: On the Road as Cautionary Tale

…o yearns for a love that Dean can never fully give him.   With the sensual spirituality (or spiritual paganism, if you like) secularized into mere “kicks,” the moral balance of On the Road lurches to one side. In the book, there’s a productive tension between the evanescent, yet incandescent, mysticism of pure human experience on the one hand, and the deep ethical consequences of human relationship on the other. This is a crucial and recurring rel…

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Are Women “Secondary” in Catholic Church?

…ersion from the idolatry of maleness toward the worship of the true God in spirit and truth. International Women’s Day and the coming papal conclave seem as fine a time as any for churches to start thinking (again) about the damage inflicted on the imaginations, self-identities, and spiritualities of both women and men, girls and boys, by sexist god-talk. And, not for nothing, on the practical, material harm caused throughout the world through the…

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Obama, MLK, Not “Nice” Enough to Moderates?

…gliding and riffing played well outside the South and among the very small number of Southern liberals already aware of the sins of segregation, but it seems almost calculated to make the vast majority of white Southern Christians dismiss King as some highfalutin’ liberal with grandiose ideas, rather than a minister of their own Christian faith calling attention to laws that contradicted the spirit of the Gospel. This, about a man who led doubtles…

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The Bible, Brought To You By Wal-Mart

…is dressing room to the set. The reverence on the set and in the film paid spiritual dividends. Years later, according to DeMille, a minister told the English actor who portrayed Jesus: “I saw you in The King of Kings when I was a child, and now, every time I speak of Jesus, it is your face I see.” 2. These films quickly become part of particular evangelical subcultures, giving them a long life long after the initial publicity of the premiere show…

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Famous Mormon Fictionalizes Life Stories

…ul H. Dunn was a high-ranking leader in the LDS Church during the 1970s and 1980s. He gave public talks, as LDS Church leaders are expected to do, and wrote over fifty books. In a couple of those books, Dunn described how he had played baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals. That he’d pitched to Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams and rubbed elbows with Stan Musial. He also told stories about his service in World War II. He said that he was one of six sol…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…any longer!) The fact that I worked on this book for two years flat out for 15-plus hours a day, and took it through 28 full drafts shows that (besides being nuts), I certainly have done my utmost such as it is to give pleasure to readers. And if anyone can look at the way religion has treated and treats women and not be pissed off they have something wrong with them. So, yes, I intend on pissing off every misogynist homophobic religious conservat…

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Pentecostal With History of Hate Speech Selected as President of Brazil’s Human Rights Body

…ren’s submission to father figures, and individuals’ surrender to the Holy Spirit. Leaders like Feliciano seem to value these perspectives over constitutional principles—principles that were hard-won after the collapse of the military dictatorship less than three decades ago, and cultivated during the slow restoration of democracy ever since.   When Feliciano was nominated on March 6, a coalition of gays, lesbians, trans people, women, feminists,…

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Not God’s Army: The Front Lines of the Fight Against Proselytizing in the U.S. Military

…represent are Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic—including 12 practitioners of the Jedi Faith. About 100 people work in the foundation—many of them are full time volunteers and still others are highly decorated veterans. We have many law firms that provide pro bono legal work as well as promotion and public relations entities. We have offices in all four time zones and thousands of donors across the country. Frederick Douglass onc…

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Grading Geltanthropy: The Case of Kellogg’s

…edding of a corporation’s pecuniary interest to the public’s philanthropic spirit. Hungry kids: we all know about them. We hate the idea of eight million American children living in extreme poverty. We shudder to think that as many as one in five American kids is not fed adequately and may go to bed hungry. We cringe at the idea that for so many of our youngest, getting a free or reduced-price breakfast or lunch at school is such a nutritional lif…

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How Long Does It Take a Man of God to Admit Child Rape is Wrong?

…enforcement. The LA Times report was based on letters written by Mahony in 1986 and 1987 recently entered as evidence in a civil suit. More documents will be disclosed in the coming weeks. Here at RD, I have argued that it was the feminist movement’s emphasis on bearing witness to sexual abuse that raised consciousness and created critical mass among Catholic laity towards breaking the abuse scandal open.  And it sure doesn’t take a degree in gen…

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