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Workers Once Forced the Social Gospel Into Churches—Can It Happen Again?

…decisively with the American Railway Union. At churches across the city’s South Side, meanwhile, Protestant churchgoers rose up against “scab ministers.” Nowhere was the backlash more severe than at Pullman Presbyterian Church. When the minister there railed against the strike—declaring at one point, “there is a maxim that half a loaf is better than no bread, and in my judgment the employees were getting two-thirds of a loaf”—working people walke…

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#WhoIsBurningBlackChurches: Is It Freedom Summer Again?

…o bring white students from the north to help register black voters in the south. That summer in Mississippi, 20 churches were burned by the Klu Klux Klan. One in particular, Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Neshoba County, Mississippi, was burned by the Klan to lure Michael “Mickey” Schwarner back to where he had worked registering black voters. He, along with James Chaney and Andrew Goodman, came back to the church to visit, and the three were arreste…

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The Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Black Officers Unveiled Something More Complex Than Whiteness

South originally organized to patrol slaves—Black people running for their freedom and safety from state-honored violence known as chattel slavery. In fact, U.S. policing started in Boston to control poor Irish immigrants; in the South to maintain the slavocracy; and in the Midwest to intimidate Native Americans into a unique form of segregation. The anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-poor ethos of our policing keeps these histories alive on our str…

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Mexico moves toward national marriage equality; Greek govt announces civil partnership legislation; Pope warns against ‘secularism and relativism’; Global LGBT recap

…osecution of criminal activity. For a time, she said, she lived and worked freely in the Austin area, even gaining a license to operate a Guatemalan food truck that provided her with income. But last year, she said her lawyer failed to turn in documentation to immigration authorities and she was detained during a regular check-in to monitor her progress. She was sent to a detention center in Arizona for nine months. Thursday marked her deportation…

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Céad Mile Fáilte: Open Hearts, Shifting Power Paradigms, and the Irish Same-Sex Referendum

…tive religion tore families apart, as Catholics and Protestants, North and South, were inhibited or even forcibly prevented from marrying; yet the deep roots and fertile soil of Celtic spirituality nurture a personal and community wholeness that is certainly not bound by puritanical notions of who is “in”and who is “out.” The loudest religious voices in the North nurtured enmity between people who might otherwise have been good neighbors; and in t…

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Resurrecting Marley at 70: Rastafari History in 5 Songs

…er heroes, like Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah, Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere, and even South Africa’s Steve Biko. Having taught African religions in the States for more than twenty years now, I can say that it’s well time they should. Just as civil rights triumphed over Jim Crow, immigrant patterns in the US began to change radically, complicating not only the traditional white-black binary but the very nature of black America, which now reflects the diversit…

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Accept Gays? Only If They Know Their Place

…bt folk as equal? When Elke Kennedy’s son Sean was killed on a Greenville, South Carolina street two years ago by a man who called him a “faggot” before hitting him in the face so hard it separated his brain stem from his brain, the one place she could not go for comfort was the church. In Crisis, a new book that features forty stories, including Elke’s, about the pain and trauma suffered by gay and lesbian people and their families, Elke writes:…

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Response to Daniel Philpott: the Politics of Religious Freedom

…effort funded by the Luce Foundation to study the discourses of religious freedom in South Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. These efforts are now bearing fruit, and in 2015 our project team will publish a volume, Politics of Religious Freedom, with the University of Chicago Press. This volume brings together a collection of essays that emerged out of an edited set of blog posts on the SSRC’s online discussion fo…

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Pop Culture Yogi B. K. S. Iyengar Dead at 95

…to much of Western Europe and the United States, resulting in an influx of Indian gurus ready and eager to deliver yoga to a counterculture grasping for something radically opposed to what they perceived as the puritanical, body-negating Protestantism of their upbringing. Iyengar was a part of a much larger movement of Indian gurus—including Muktananda of Siddha Yoga, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of Transcendental Meditation, Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada of…

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Bishops Rile Up the Religious Right, Then and Now

…. Gerald Ford needed to hold on to that vote to offset his weakness in the South. Jimmy Carter was thought to have a “Catholic problem” as born-again Southern Baptist. Both, as I noted, ended up shamelessly courting the Catholic bishops: Americans were treated to the spectacle of both presidential candidates—neither of them Catholic—genuflecting before the bishops for their benediction. It was a lost cause for Carter given the Democratic Party’s o…

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