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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…about themselves today. Eleven years after the denomination apologized to African-Americans for supporting segregation and slavery, it elected a black man as its first vice president of the convention—“the highest position yet held by an African-American” in the denomination, the New York Times notes. Fred Luter Jr. pastors a largely black church in New Orleans and is apparently an “overwhelming favorite to be elected president at the assembly ne…

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…’s quintessential model of white-boy angst is simply “frustrated,” whereas African Americans are demonic. Adam Lambert is the only white male artist maligned by someone like Ponce, but as “the first openly gay mainstream popular artist to launch a career on a major label in America” his sexual orientation makes him an easy exemplar of deviance. The selective nature of these vitriolic assertions reflects social anxieties. The perceived precarious p…

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Inside Outsourced: Come See Where Your Jobs Went

…nd their sheikh wants to fund you, but if you want to make a film about an African-American, Muslim single mother in the hood who’s torn between protecting her daughter and running a drug ring she inherited, good luck! The latter is a script by new filmmaker Nia Malika Dixon, and would probably interest a more popular audience than a Hajj film. And for all the talk about bridging gaps between affluent immigrant Muslim groups and the longstanding A…

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Tajwid: To Read with Love… and Competence

…g their cultural background, they are from all over: Arab, Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian. I at least saw one other African-American woman once. Keep in mind that I am arriving only to time to join the already-formed prayer lines, which means I tend to see more of the women from the back deal. These assessments might be also inaccurate. As I said, I plan to go for iftar on Sunday and get some eye contact. Now that the speaker volume has…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…ich is elevating a new generation of self-appointed prophets and apostles, African-American and Latino religious leaders, Charismatic publishing giant Stephen Strang, and religious right leaders like Perkins, Harry Jackson, and Gary Bauer. The religious right political leadership’s keen interest in Engle was evident at The Call held on the National Mall in August. The day before the event, the public relations firm Shirley Bannister introduced Eng…

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The Problem with the Discussion of Race and the Tea Party Movement

…. A representative composite: “We (tea partiers) aren’t racist, we welcome African Americans. It’s those black groups that are racist” or worse: “Obama should just go back to Africa.” But even more than that, I’m troubled by the Tea Party Movement’s invocation of the intentions of the founders as the “be all and end all” of Constitutional interpretation and their nostalgia for “states’ rights.” Even if you buy revisionist Christian American histor…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…argin, although it hasn’t reached the 50% threshold. • ‘It’s not easy’ for African-American Christians who don’t support Obama: J. Lee Grady, the editor of Charismamagazine, has written an interesting, albeit mostly anecdotal, column about the travails of African Americans that are not voting for Obama. “It’s not easy to go against the flow when it seems that the entire black community is marching in lockstep with the well-financed Obama machine,”…

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Sacred&Profane: The Living Dead

…ciated from America’s shameful slaveholding past and the ghosts of so many Africans who died so that slavery might live, and African Americans brutally killed as a result of prejudice, hatred, and injustice. In our enlightened, scientific age, we don’t believe in the existence of ghosts or spirits or the dead come back to life to haunt, inspire, or teach the living. Halloween is not a time for serious reflection about the presence of the dead in o…

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Inauguration: An Evangelical And A Gay Bishop—What’s Missing?

…deeper unity amidst our diversity. The “yes we can” spirit includes women, African Americans and evangelicals. It includes the LBGT community, all parties in the Middle East, includes Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, employed and unemployed—the list is endless. What if the opening prayer at the inauguration were a call to recognize that we are all a part of each other in the deepest and most profound way? What if the invocation to the ina…

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Atheists of Color Transcend Opposition to Religion and White Atheist Privilege in Working for Social Justice

…color as privileged whites often do. As the wealth and income gap between African Americans and whites has increased, straining an already frayed social welfare safety net, people of color are seeking faith-based assistance in greater numbers. In many respects, Trumpian right wing religious attacks on the Johnson amendment, public education, abortion rights, reproductive justice and LGBTQI rights have re-energized secular activism. Yet Black secu…

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