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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…very day! Raquel: There are certainly many things to be concerned about in today’s political reality. However, the things that trouble us today are the continuation of the very same things that plagued our society during the Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush senior, Reagan administrations, and beyond. Racism is not new. Misogyny is not new. Xenophobia is not new. Our government’s continued alliances with fascists and theocrats? Not new. The things margin…

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Fox Makes Mockery Of Promise To Rein In Beck’s Anti-Semitism

…ople by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism. Today, they have let their political ideology trump their values – exactly what America has had enough off. And they have revealed themselves to be willing to leave nothing sacred in order to score short term political points. And in a letter to supporters yesterday, Greer added: Of all the new “Tea Pa…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…and accepted responsibility for my actions. I was sorry then and remain so today.” From the cover of Andy Savage’s forthcoming book, which has been put on hold by the publisher. “Again, I ask for forgiveness from her and everyone involved. When this happened twenty plus years ago, I did everything I knew to do under the counsel I was given to cooperate with those involved, repent of my sins, take responsibility for my actions and seek forgiveness….

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The Tea Party are Sodomites

…ening the hand of the poor and needy” is regarded as socialist anathema by today’s Tea Party zealots, the Tea Party has more in common with the Sodomites than do gays or lesbians. Likewise in text after text after text, Sodom’s wickedness is connected to cruelty, injustice, and deceit—never homosexuality. Jeremiah 23:14: I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…a,” he said, “because worldviews hardly ever change,” not much has changed today—except for Noebel’s expanded definition of communism. “We used to say communism equals Marxism-Leninism,” he told Olasky. “Now communism is a broader term—I have a whole list of things to add today.” The Democratic Party’s “Socialist Red Army” Noebel insists that President Obama is a “stealth socialist,” and even that Obama economic advisor Larry Summers, in acknowled…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…rcent” of Americans want a taller, thicker border wall, but no one onstage today challenged his claim. Among other dubious claims that cannot be objectively debunked was Bannon’s assertion that Trump is the “greatest public speaker since Williams Jennings Bryan,” the late 19th-century Democrat and fervent populist who also had a penchant for gold. To his credit (and our panic), Bannon was surprisingly straightforward about his ideological goals fo…

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Are Atheists The New Campus Crusaders?

…ltural opponents,” says Galef at SSA. “It comes down to which values we’re promoting. We are promoting values of critical thinking and acceptance.” Conflicting values on campus have led to unsavory events. Last year at Salisbury University in Maryland, the Atheist Society took offense when Cru students chalked a verse from the Bible: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is not one who doe…

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Pentagon Report Rejects Religious Right Arguments On DADT

…roops. Surveys of troops back then revealed many of the same objections as today. Harvard professor and author Peter Gomes, in an op-ed in the New York Times in 1993, after DADT first passed, noted a few of them: In 1942, the General Board of the Navy was asked by Admiral Knox to consider “enlistment of men of colored race in other than mess-man branch.” In its report to the Secretary of the Navy, it asked, “How many white men would choose, of the…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…, should mean that no declaration of a ‘coming to Jesus’ moment on race by today’s conservatives should be taken at face value. The political survival of the pro-enslavement camp back then required duplicity, i.e, paying lip service to non-racialism and the enfranchisement of Black people while plotting their harm and repression just as the political survival of today’s conservatives requires plausible deniability regarding their racist remarks an…

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Welcome to the “Spin-od”: Conservatives Look to Halt Reforms on Divorce and Other “Family Matters”

…ring the synod, but it was possible to change pastoral practice to reflect today’s realities. … The new practices, it was claimed, simply fit better with the current situation of many people in the Church. But that wasn’t manipulation—it was the key purpose of the synod and the question Francis asked it to address. Most of what conservatives term “manipulation” was newly empowered progressive bishops pushing for change, something they hadn’t had t…

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