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Nebraska Latest State to Declare Open Season on Abortion Doctors

…ldn’t get any more, well, extreme. Earlier this month, Rep. Phil Jensen, a South Dakota Republican lawmaker, had proposed an amendment to a bill to expand the legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language that said a homicide is permissible if committed by a person while resisting an attempt to harm that person’s “unborn child or the unborn child of that person’s spouse, partner, parent, or child.” Last week, the bill, which had made…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…f families of the deceased to mourn in private against what is clearly political speech—although legal efforts to stop the church’s protests were not raised when the target was gays but only now the target is the families of soldiers. Of course, if you watch South Park (or if you are twenty-five or younger) you know that the meaning of the term “gay” has changed such that it is Phelps himself who is gay. Stay tuned for more developments as this qu…

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“Outlaw” Christian writer, Reynolds Price, 1933–2011

…o single word condemning or seriously questioning American, not to mention Southern, racism from the pulpit of my family churches or that of Duke University in my childhood and youth. Nor do I think that any prior member of my family, in the major Protestant churches of North Carolina, can have heard any such word from at least the end of the Civil War till, say, the mid-1960s (and the cliché continues to hold—no hours in America are more segregat…

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Latest “Religious Freedom” Bills Reveal a New Strategy

…or agencies, effectively gutting existing LGBT protections in those areas. South Dakota led the way, followed by Alabama, and Texas’ SB 156. The avalanche of anti-LGBT legislation already passing necessitates a sobering reminder: It’s only March. “Several state legislatures have filed religious refusal laws this year, claiming that their goal is to curb ‘government discrimination’ against religious people or organizations,” said Ashe McGovern, the…

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The Politics of Anti-Gay Persecution: Gambia, Egypt, Jamaica, Russia, with a Helping Hand from US Religious Conservatives; Global LGBT Recap

…f a memorandum from President Obama charging US foreign policy agencies to promote LGBT rights said that US efforts have been important to activists promoting equality and facing persecution around the world. Read the Washington Blade’s report here. On Wednesday, the Daily Beast hosted an event called Quorum: Global LGBT Voices that featured interviews with more than 25 activists from around the world to talk about “what is happening on the front…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…nt and sad passions.” Candidate pledges and victimhood appeals are tactics promoted by the U.S.-based anti-LGBT, Catholic-minded National Organization for Marriage, which wants to play its hand in the French elections, too. Socialist President Francois Hollande signed marriage legislation on May 18, 2013 amid violent clashes and thousands of protesters decrying the scuttling of traditional family values as the fall of Western civilization. In the…

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Thanksgivukkah, With a Side of Christmas Envy

…ic piety, and Norman Rockwell-ian family celebrations. Long ago, it seems, South Park featured the young Jewish character Kyle Broslowski singing “It’s hard to be a Jew on Christmas.” Though he ultimate reconciles himself to his Jewishness, he also bemoans his social position. “I can’t sing christmas songs or decorate a christmas tree, or leave water out for rudolph ’cause there’s something wrong with me! My people don’t believe in Jesus Christ’s…

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Arson, Torture and Murder Devastate LGBT Activists in Cameroon

Earlier this month we reported on Born this Way, a documentary about LGBT rights activists working in Cameroon amid denunciations from religious leaders and threats of violence. Today comes the crushing news, via Human Rights Watch, that LGBTI activist Eric Ohena Lembembe has been tortured and killed, and that the headquarters of Alternatives-Cameroun, the HIV services organization featured in the documentary as a refuge for so many people, has b…

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Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors: The Video

…The following video was shot and edited by RD associate editor Sarah Posner to accompany her feature, Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors Leading Spiritual Warfare In Zimbabwe. Women Warriors from sarahposner on Vimeo….

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Did Jesus Help Ghanaian Women with Birth Control?

…s as likely to use family planning as women who retained their traditional African faith, and had significantly smaller families. The churches certainly didn’t promote family planning. But, despite their defense of patriarchal family values, many churches were giving women a voice denied them by their own culture. Exciting, right? Especially given that, according to UNICEF, in the developing world “more than half a million women die as a result of…

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