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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…to violence and thus more suffering in a vicious cycle that can last a lifetime. Yoga, according to the Prison Yoga Project, provides prisoners with a path toward healing and recovery. “…yoga advocates are expressing concern about the disparity in access to yoga and its concomitant near absence among disenfranchised communities.” I recently made a couple of visits to Chicago, a city that testifies to the fact that yoga is not just the pastime of t…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…steamrolled in the building of an empire that forced them from their homes time and time again. Russian intervention in Syria could very quickly land that country in quicksand, while emboldening its separatists and secessionists at home, some of whom have already built links to extremist groups operating in Syria. The Economist even recently argued that Putin’s foreign adventures were not a sign of strength, but of desperation, and mapped out area…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…six days not as literal 24-hour periods, but as separate, lengthy spans of time. But in the early 1900s, a religious conference was held in reaction to the liberal theology of the time. From the conference, The Fundamentals was born—a series of pamphlets demanding a literal interpretation of the Bible, and opposed to evolutionary theory. The Fundamentals became wildly popular. Then in 1925, a young football coach was recruited to challenge Tenness…

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I’m Not Here to Fix Evangelicals, But to Show Them Who They Are: An Interview With the Author of ‘White Evangelical Racism’

…as a debate that people who looked like me did not have souls? Back to the time when slavery was blessed by God? Back to the time when separate but equal was the law of the land?” As you point out in White Evangelical Racism, the National Association of Evangelicals itself was founded as a whites-only organization. And the book is also critical of evangelical “racial reconciliation” efforts. Would you mind summarizing for readers what those effort…

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Ramadan: Third Day is the Charm

…s to the fact that while most of their classmates would be eating at lunch time, they would be fasting; but why miss out on all that free time with friends? The speed at which they got used to it boggles the mind, but that was not the fun part. Inevitably, with this lunar calendar thing some one of my children was fasting through all kinds of school holidays, end of school parties and the usual sundry of birthdays. They would be amazing: still kee…

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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

…y on the minds of serious Christians. But it can and should be read at any time by anyone who’s even considering whether “that old-time religion” isn’t quite good enough any more.  What I started out writing, churlishly and petulantly, is that I could only surmise that the market for books like this consists mainly of somewhat innocent readers; of people who whose only previous conception of Christ’s atoning work is of the standard, unreconstructe…

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In Time of Crisis Christians Must Reject Charlatans and Magical Thinking

…too shall pass.” I get it. We all need to hear reassuring messages at this time—and as a Christian I believe these statements are ultimately true. But we need much more than pious slogans for these unsure and unprecedented times. It’s harmful for Christians to focus so much on ultimate, cosmic truths that we downplay the significance of here-and-now truths. COVID acronym meme may have started in Christian circles that dismiss COVID-19 as a hoax. O…

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La Carmina, Author of ‘The Little Book of Satanism,’ Talks ‘Satanic Panic,’ QAnon, Japanese Satanism, and More

…eports of Japanese offbeat culture, which led to my first books Cute Yummy Time and Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo. During these early blogging days, I spent a great deal of time in Japan and was introduced to Japanese Satanists and their fascinating practices. I loved getting to know the small but vibrant Satanic communities in Tokyo, Osaka and Kobe. Over the years, I kept investigating and writing about Satanism worldwide for my site and…

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5 Reasons That Cartoons Are the 21st Century’s Great Metaphysical Playground

…his species has been enslaved and degraded for so long). There are also a number of “children’s cartoons” that are really aimed at older children and adults, meant to speak to both groups on different levels. Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time, for instance, is a children’s fantasy show in which a boy and his dog go on quests. The stories are simple enough to appeal to a younger audience, but the writers manage to throw in a good deal of mulling ov…

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Journalistic Blind Spots and the “Centrist-to-Liberal” Christian

…pward along generational lines and shifted by a few percentage points from time to time, depending on how we measure evangelical status and centrism. (Many evangelicals take more progressive stances toward poverty, militarism, and the environment than feminist and LGBT issues.) Meanwhile, the media spotlight has swung more sharply. From this perspective the issue is not the ongoing existence of moderates, but when they have been treated with atten…

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