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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…d a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.” As an American Indian all my life I have been cursed with the myth of the “Indian rain dance.” I am here to say there is no such thing. Not in my Potawatomi tribe or in any other tribe across the Americas. My great-grandfather Mose Bruno was well-known down in Oklahoma as someone who could more often than not successfully predict the weather. But as far as I know he had no song or dance t…

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How Does Mormonism Shape Romney’s Foreign Policy?

…a relationship of convenience than an article of faith. It saves him, at least, from having to articulate a post-Bush conservative foreign policy vision, as some have asked him to do.  But he’s a pragmatist not a visionary, and in this his foreign policy resembles his economic policy: it’s designed in its public presentation to appeal to key voting demographics, but essentially values-neutral and centered on defending and promoting the interests…

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Romney on Israel: More GOP Than LDS

…n Languages at Brigham Young University, editor in chief of the BYU Middle Eastern Texts Initiative, and author of the book Abraham Divided: An LDS Perspective on the Middle East, said in an interview that growing up as a Mormon in California in the 1960s, most Latter-Day Saints were “very militantly pro-Israeli.” That stance has evolved, however, said Peterson, describing the evolution as a “mellowing” as people have gotten to know Muslims and di…

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“Mass Graves, Child Soldiers” and a Crusading Army of International Evangelists

…entury and, by the 1940s, local converts were serving as key agents in the East African Revival movement. So was the implication that they had been ineffective? This was awfully reminiscent of the message of another set of “white saviors”—the Invisible Children team—whose inaccurate and misleading viral video, KONY 2012, failed to credit the extensive work of Ugandan civil society organizations in rebuilding their society after the war. The crusad…

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‘A Slice of Heaven’: Lakota Look to Buy Back Stolen Sacred Lands

…as stripped naked, thrown into an American Legion hall, and told to “dance Indian.” It wasn’t until the American Indian Movement virtually occupied the town of Gordon that manslaughter charges were brought against his assailants. The camp lasted for a few years, though pilgrimages continue, conducted by the original occupiers and their supporters.  In 1982, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation appealed the original Supreme Court ruling and asked for…

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Kosher Nukes: Israeli PM Consults with Radical Rabbi on Iran Strike

…this view, has no intention of attacking Iran and starting another Middle East war, but it is willing to go to the brink to get the U.S. to act—and to act before the November elections.  The Rabbinic consultation story broke over the weekend when a reporter for an Orthodox Jewish website Kikar HaShabbat wrote that Netanyahu’s emissary, National Security Chief Yaakov Amidor, met with the 91-year-old Rabbi on Friday afternoon. The choice of Rabbi Y…

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Conventional Wisdom: RNC/DNC Giving God a Bad Name?

…ically wrongheaded this is to the cause of justice and peace in the Middle East; that is quite obviously afraid to talk candidly about grinding poverty in America for fear of shattering the illusion that we’re all just middle-class folks about to recover fully from a GOP-induced hangover; and one that showcases Sr. Simone Campbell in prime time (“I AM my sister’s keeper, I am my brother’s keeper!”) but that also makes sure she adds that her critiq…

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Who Is “Sam Bacile?”

…is anti-Islam views, told The Associated Press from Washington that he was promoting the video on his website and on certain TV stations, which he did not identify. Both depicted the film as showing how Coptic Christians are oppressed in Egypt, though it goes well beyond that to ridicule Muhammad—a reflection of their contention that Islam as a religion is inherently oppressive. “The main problem is I am the first one to put on the screen someone…

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Why Are Muslims So Concerned with Muhammad?

…(to say nothing of the long history of Western intervention in the Middle East and the traumatic aftereffects of colonialism, which could be a whole article itself). For one thing, Muhammad is dear to Muslim hearts in the way Jesus is to many Christians: He brought us enlightenment.   But Muhammad is also dear to Muslim hearts because Muslims strive to be like him, to the extent of looking like him (and his close family and companions, with some…

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Atheist Schism?

…e in the face of violence directed at religious minorities. Meanwhile, at least since last summer’s “elevatorgate”, outspoken atheist feminists describe continued, aggressive harassment from men in the atheist community. In response some atheists have broken off and created “Atheism Plus” which aims to make space for women, people of color, and other marginalized groups within an atheist movement that’s historically white and male. The idea crysta…

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