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Sex and the Chosen People: Be Fruitful and Multiply, Etc.

…tl’s Revenge, The Passionate Torah is an anthology. The book’s contributor list includes “some of today’s smartest Jewish thinkers who explore a broad range of fundamental questions in an effort to balance ancient tradition and modern sexuality.” The Passionate Torah aims to “bridge the gap between the sacred and the sexual.” I recently spoke to Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg about the challenges of bringing new perspectives on sexuality and feminism to t…

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Evangelical Church of Torture and Jack Bauer

…difference between Jesus and Jack Bauer on Fox’s megahit “24?” Like a long list of American messianic masculine archetypes (John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Mel Gibson), Jesus is situated in this tradition of bulletproof heroes who mock the machinations of torture. What is more, like Jack Bauer, anyone who is willing to endure torture for others is that much more justified in dishing it out. And, unfortunately, since muscular evangelicals so identi…

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Ann Coulter Puts the “Con” in “Homocon 2010”

…ck in 2007 at “a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs.” Jacobs rightly wondered: “I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle.” I could tell Jacobs, however, that Coulter’s behavior is nothing new for conserv…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically

…yle will be performing for him. Organizers of the pope’s visit have a long list of items banned for pilgrims including gazebos, alcohol, and even vuvuzelas . Benedict will be welcomed by bus ads urging the pontiff to ordain women. Should we really support a musician named Sufjan? In Saudi Arabia, two rulings by Muslim authorities have created controversy. First, a cleric who urged grown men to drink breast milk has been removed from the radio airw…

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How To: Write a Science-Explains-Religion Op-Ed

…religious things, like our need for attachment or our hatred of The Other. List them as fast as you can! Don’t let on that there are other dimensions of religion that aren’t being considered here, which plenty of established non-scientific fields are investigating. Instead, try another callback!! (Did you notice that I just made a callback to the callback? Did you chuckle? Then you know it works! Callbacks are important.) 4. Wrap it up. You’ll wan…

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Original Spin: Progressives Dismiss Conservative Theology at Their Peril

…io interview with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. No, I don’t listen to Tony Perkins. I found the quote thanks to Think Progress blogger Scott Keyes, who offered what he calls this “outlandish statement” as an example of conservatives’ tendency “to dress their political ideology in religious language.” Maybe so. Politicians typically say what their audiences want to hear and this kind of God-talk would certainly please Tony Perkins’ a…

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The Republicans’ Dangerous Quest to End Nonexistent Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

…shops, Concerned Women for America, Priests for Life, the Susan B. Anthony List, and the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, an affiliate of the American Principles Project, which was launched by Manhattan Declaration author and Princeton professor Robert George. It’s a bill driven by a particular religious view, one that is undergirded by an ideology not just about the fetus (that abortion is murder) but about women and their divine r…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…volution “academic freedom” law just added a bunch of heavy hitters to his list of supporters. Less than a week after a state lawmaker introduced a bill to repeal the law, officially known as the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), 41 science Nobel Laureates sent a letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal and members of the legislature backing the measure. “Biological evolution is foundational in many fields, including biomedical research and agriculture,”…

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Hell, in Rob Bell’s Own Words: State of Belief Radio

Click below to listen to State of Belief host Welton Gaddy interview Rob Bell and read Kathryn Gin’s Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter? here. Transcript: REV. C. WELTON GADDY, HOST: Pastor Rob Bell’s new book “Love Wins: [A Book About] Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived” debuted at #2 on the New York Times best-seller list. Here’s the description: “Rob Bell addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith-the afterl…

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Unreasonable Doubt: Vincent Bugliosi Defends Agnosticism

…So what do we get in Bugliosi’s new book? Among other things, we get a populist disdain for academic theology (for example, he quotes a bit of admittedly jargon-laden Trinitarian theology out of context, and concludes with the single word “Unbelievable” as if that were a refutation). We get an energetic argument for a view that very few philosophers of religion today, theists or atheists, take very seriously—without considering the reason why it i…

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