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The Mullet and the Mullahs: Iran’s War on Hair Reveals Ahmadinejad’s Weakness

…they also decided to ban several other haircuts. This move strikes me as a sign of impotence on the part of Ahmedinejad. As I have written about regarding the Saudi Arabians, decisions like this are an attempt to flex muscles that do not actually exist. The crackdown on the public sphere is something that is usually resented by Iranians. However, after the rise of the Green Movement last year, the crackdown on men’s hair can be seen as a way to ex…

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Gulf Residents Urged to Unite in Prayer

…blown in from the Gulf of Mexico. When people face losing everything they love, prayer is a source of hope and comfort. However, the irony of our anti-science governor signing a prayer proclamation when he would not sign his name to protect the teaching of science is a bit much….

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Progressive Faith Leaders Rally to Keep Heat on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

…ike the Human Rights Campaign’s Clergy Call lobby event and through clergy sign-on letters and letters to the editor. Retired chaplains have been speaking out to tell the truth about DADT and to tell their own powerful stories of pastoral ministry to lesbian and gay service members who were denied the freedom to serve their country simply because of who they are.” However, as Knox and the faith leaders working with him are well aware, the fight to…

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Build the Muslim Community Center at Ground Zero

…ot to know someone, had a swim or listened to a lecture. Forgiveness needs signs and symbols. Religious institutions need signs and symbols. Forgiveness doesn’t happen all at once. But it could begin with a building permit at Ground Zero. Finally, that word love, which so many wrongly imagine as a soft verb. There is nothing soft about love. It is the most dangerous action in the world. Because we can’t love, because most of us do know the risks,…

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Obama To Skip Golden Temple: Part of A Larger Problem With Religion

…ng other religions. Of course, the idea of wearing religious covering as a sign of respect is not new for politicians: both Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice did it. For some reason, the Democratic establishment is having a hard time with simple courtesies, let alone dealing with religious bigotry. Rashad Hussain, special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Countries, has already been thrown to the wolves. He is prevented from doing his job because…

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Hajj Journal: Visiting the Kingdom is Not the Same as Visiting the King

…. Still, we wound our way through the city. Most of the time we followed a sign that said “Masjid al-Haram” in Arabic and English, so it was pretty clear we were going in the right direction. Well, that is until we did a few U-turns and went through a few tunnels. First U-turn was forced by a police by a blockade. It seemed, we were nearing the mosque, because droves of people started to walk beside us on the road, on the sidewalk, or in the stree…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…other sexually transmitted infections than is an exclusive focus on condom promotion. Regrettably, however, many scientists, HIV prevention educators, and AIDS activists are so fixed on condom promotion that they do not give due attention to the risk avoidance that is possible to achieve through abstinence outside marriage and mutual, lifelong fidelity within marriage.” Who, one asks, are these scientists who believe in the “exclusive focus on con…

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The Economy is Sacred, Stupid

…what you believe, but how you act. The actions of believers are much more significant than words or arguments: vote out those who will get in the way of you and your money (i.e., “socialists,” “tax-and-spend liberals,” “Democrats,” etc.); use town hall meetings to promote scripted, digestible sound bites that echo the media propaganda machines hammering home simplistic though comforting messages (i.e., “the federal debt is a moral issue,” “health…

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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…opponent, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson. But his election is not a good sign. As the New York Times mentions, this is the first time a vice president has not been elected president of the USCCB since the 1960s. What the Times fails to mention is that it happened then because the vice president was quite old and would have retired as bishop in the middle of his term. The rejection of a Bishop Kicanas is essentially unparalleled. As Thomas Reese…

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