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Shutdown is Over, But There Will Be a Next Time

…ploited for political or economic purposes but don’t discount the many true believers: Ted Cruz, Mark Meadows and Michele Bachmann are not using politics for religious ends or religion for economic ends, it’s one and the same. This time, they may not have succeeded. But there will be a next time and a next time until an alternate vision of society—one that remixes religion, politics and economics into a more communal and collective venture, stirs…

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The Omission of the “New” Evangelicals

…civil unions. These developments please a lot of people; the press gets a new narrative and the Democrats eye a widening pool of potential evangelical voters. Two recent books, Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right by E.J. Dionne and The Party Faithful: How And Why Democrats Are Closing the God Gap by Amy Sullivan, both describe a changing situation in which evangelicals and other serious religious people will not au…

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Let us Pray for the Jews

…ell as the appeal to “remove the veil from their hearts.” According to the New York Times, the new prayer may be translated as follows: “Let us pray for the Jews. May the Lord Our God enlighten their hearts so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ, the savior of all men.” The prayer also expresses hope that “all Israel may be saved.” What many may not realize is that both the old and the new Good Friday prayers are citing the apostle Paul. The re…

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Answers in Genesis Seeks Tax Breaks for New Theme Park

…rything in the bible is literally true and that evolution is a lie. As an example of its scientific rigorousness, one of the exhibits argues that dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden were all vegetarian. In addition to Noah’s Ark, which developers claim will be built to scale, there will also be a replica of the Tower of Babel, a walled city similar to ancient times, live animal shows and a children’s play area and a 1st Century Medieval Village. There…

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Forget the Pope—We Need a New Caliph!

…ok like they’re related, or possibly were cloned at the same facility, and between Morsi’s administrative incompetence and Norquist’s single-minded anti-tax jihad, this is not a promising beginning. Right now, Egypt is imploding; the Caliphate can’t be located in a country that isn’t able to defend itself. Not to mention, with only 20% of the world’s Muslims being Arab, this would be a little too convenient, especially for all the Muslims tired of…

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Hagee’s New Film Uses Jews and Science to Prove Christian, Pro-US God

…cently incarcerated) Dinesh D’Souza, a pair of rabbis, and Dennis Prager, explains exactly how improbable the survival of the Jewish people would be without divine intervention—which tends to happen in conjunction with blood moons. The whole enterprise builds toward the obvious question: what will happen to the Jews this time around? Regarding the answer, FBM does not hedge: it’s marauding Muslim hordes. Throughout the film, it’s Muslims—swarthy,…

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The Progress of Christ in Commercial America: A Review of Chris Lehmann’s The Money Cult

…religion has consistently cleared the way, spiritually, for capitalism’s next advance within a newly-cleared psychological and political space. In a word, American Protestantism sanctified the market before the market even asked to be sanctified. It is profoundly depressing to acknowledge this, but Lehmann shows how capitalism has never had to point a gun at religion’s head to win the day: our “once austere” religion did this to itself. He vividly…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…respond to this most universal of all the absurdities of Republicanity: no new taxes, ever, because the government needs to start acting like a responsible family. Let us accept the metaphor for a moment. And then let us observe that the responsible household that faces the reality of the numbers (instead of relying on absurd faith-claims or lottery tickets)—the simple fact that it owes far more than it earns—very quickly realizes that it is time…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…Nigeria in early 2014. They note that the law not only criminalizes same-sex sexual activity, but also the “public show of same sex amorous relationship directly or indirectly.” In this context when a man gives a lingering hug to his brother or a woman walks with her arms around the shoulders of her sister, they could end up in jail. Furthermore, this law, though it has been billed as an anti-gay marriage law, prohibits ‘civil unions’ as well as f…

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DADT Repeal: The New “Religious Freedom” Issue

…oldier would cause a believing Christian to choose between serving country or obeying God? As usual, set-up is that gay rights and religious liberty are incompatible. The former can’t happen without undermining the latter. As ADF president Alan Sears likes to say, “the homosexual agenda and religious freedom are on a collision course.” That from a man who believes that said “homosexual agenda” “probably includes the abolition of marriage, but also…

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