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Multifaith Weight Loss: The Problem of Fat, the Promise of Peace

…ants claim of their experience. It is unclear whether such events actually change how these Jews and Muslims perceive each other, or if they only change how Jews and Muslims view themselves. In this sense, Luttwak is correct in asserting that Slim Peace is not a conflict-resolution group. The women are not there to bridge differences; they are there to redefine their differences.   “I had never spent any time with any Muslim people before this gro…

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We Shouldn’t Be Surprised Francis Met with Kim Davis

…he news leaked that the Pope had met with Kim Davis, and suddenly all that changed: My Facebook feed was filled with anger, vitriol, and even a sense of betrayal that the Pope was supporting religious exemptions. Now on one level, this just seems bizarre. Of course the Pope supports religious exemptions. He’s the POPE. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops pays fancy lobbyists every year to push for broad readings of religious exemptions laws. And…

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Why Natural Disasters Were Perfect Timing for Anti-LGBT Nashville Statement

…wrought by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma cannot be explained through climate change—even if one acknowledges its existence. Material destruction on the order of Harvey must be explained theologically as God’s wrath. On this theological account, the instability of nature is caused by humans; deadly storms that strike the U.S. with increasing frequency are caused, not by carbon consumption, but by sexual immorality. This is, of course, an argument tha…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…g born into a world in its death throes on account of accelerating climate change. His pregnant wife, Mary, played by a superb Amanda Seyfried, has reached out to Rev. Toller in the hope that the minister might be able to help Michael find some reason for hope. The pastor counsels Michael that it is our human duty to hold despair and hope together and not let either eclipse the other. Yet he himself cannot fend off despair and desperation after Mi…

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Citizens United’s Bad Religion

…film for free on Hulu. Citizens United’s newest project, “The Hope and the Change,” which runs a little over an hour, is a standard rehash of anti-Obama-isms: he promised to unite the country, but stood with Skip Gates and Trayvon Martin. He promised to fix the economy, but he goes on vacation while your house is being foreclosed upon. He’s brought us socialism (health care reform), infringement of religious liberty (ditto), and, the film falsely…

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Christian Charity Meets Its Match: If You Missed “The Overnighters,” Here’s Why You Should See It Now

…loser view, the social havoc that is being driven by a major environmental change; a lens through which we see an alteration in the local environment driving changes in the local economy, driving social crises, and driving something along the order of spiritual crisis as well. To be fair, this church-as-lens perspective seems mostly to have emerged as a matter of convenience. Jay Reinke had opened up his church to itinerants moving through the tow…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…-dick-measuring contest on Twitter months before, resulting in an apparent change in attitude. North Korea is the only sovereign nation with a ghost as the official head of state. A head of state whose image is embossed and ensconced and enshrined to maximize his visibility to the enslaved and starving who cannot leave, and might not choose to if they could considering their lack of access to information about (and from) the rest of the world. Thi…

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Cuba Opens its Doors to the Catholic Church

A sure sign that change is afoot in Cuba is the opening of the first Roman Catholic seminary since the 1959 revolution. President Raul Castro was in attendance, as was Archbishop Thomas Wenski and several other priests from Miami. In the wake of the Church’s continued involvement in the release of over fifty political prisoners on the island, last week’s inauguration is a material symbol of the easing tensions between the Cuban government and the…

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Obama to Cave on Bush Tax Cuts: Letter to the Washingtonians, Chapter 1

…mean to turn you out of office, to turn back the clock, and undo every good that you have done. And you still don’t get it. A word needs to be said here; that is to say, a word imagining the world differently, based on what we know and claim of God. That word, in brief, is that change—real, meaningful change, the kind God calls for—does not arise from easy reconciliation, nor again from charity, but from redemption, the purchasing back at great co…

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Let My Preachers Endorse: A Modest Church-State Proposal

…itutional way? It turns out there is one: give congregations the option to change their tax status, from charitable 501(c)(3) to social welfare 501(c)(4) organization. After all, Congress permits social welfare organizations to endorse candidates and keep their tax exemptions, if they can show electioneering isn’t their primary activity. As long as electioneering didn’t become the primary activity of congregations as social welfare organizations,…

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