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Is Cardinal Dolan’s Pro-Life Piece More Evidence of Pro-Catholic Bias from RNS Publisher?

…s part of a pattern, with Gallagher repeatedly attempting to influence the site’s coverage of Catholicism,” wrote Sarah Jones, in her April 27 report in the New Republic on the “Implosion of Religion News Service.” According to the reporting of both Jones and the Columbia Journalism Review’s Stephanie Russell-Kraft, some of the more egregious instances of Gallagher’s editorial meddling, which played a significant role in the firing of respected ed…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…d have been ripped from the headlines of the sensationalistic conservative site World Net Daily, but the setting was far more staid. The speaker, David Noebel, part of The King’s College Distinguished Visitors series, was introduced by outgoing King’s Provost and World magazine editor Marvin Olasky as “one of the long-lasting stalwarts of fighting for a lot of things we’re for here at King’s: religious, political, and economic liberty.” King’s, a…

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…the same time, the Discovery and Expelled’s marketing team unveiled a Web site touting suggested legislation to “protect academic freedom” by encouraging the teaching of alternative theories of controversial subjects, such as evolution. In the scientific community, evolutionary theory is a considered to be the unifying principle of biology. But despite the fact that there is no scientific controversy, lawmakers from several states pushed this sam…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…r interesting takes on the battle over gay marriage include: “Anti-Gay Nup Site Goes For Youth, But Keeps Old Tactics”, “Lynne Cheney speaks on same-sex marriage equality”, and The Floundering Yes on 8 Campaign: “One Million Missing Lawn Signs Found in China.” ++++++++++ Lagniappe: The Matthew 25 Network “is asking Christian radio stations in the key battleground state of Ohio to air an ad that suggests Barack Obama would bring an end to the econo…

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Sex and Civilization: The Body as Battleground

…in on our bodies. Ever since the Hebrew Bible, the human body has been the site of boundary-drawing, nation-defining, and, most importantly, the control of desire. Abraham’s mutilation of his and his son’s penises physically mark his family as distinct from all others; an act which not coincidentally curtails pleasure and marks the subservience of man to divine (or human) authority. We today are Abraham’s heirs, and re-enactors, of countless acts…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…and brings down the other,” Engle said in a recent video on The Call’s Web site, explaining how prayer proved victorious over satanic forces in the spiritual warfare of an election, adding, “I directly attribute [Bush’s election] to the prayers of the saints.” Young people at his House of Prayer, said Engle, had been praying about judges for three years when Sandra Day O’Connor retired and William Rehnquist died. As if to prove to his acolytes tha…

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Election Day: Hope, Heartbreak, Naiveté, and Studs Terkel

…loud? Lucia Hulsether: What Are You Doing Right Now? The social networking site Facebook enables its members (the vast majority of whom are students) to post a “status” describing what they are doing and thinking at any given point. This morning I logged on to my computer, and in the last fifteen hours over 400 of my friends had updated their statuses—and literally all of them addressed the election. Ninety-five percent of their statements were pr…

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Progressive & Religious

…can be found under “Progressive Religious Voices” on iTunes and on the Web site companion to the book. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic?     The entire book is aimed at correcting the mistaken assumption that a person cannot be authentically religious and politically progressive. On the political side, too many people have been given the impression that if they are politically progressive, they must choose between their…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…media (both mainstream and alternative), Moon continues to move ahead on a number of fronts. His Washington Times continues to be the daily house-organ/must-read for conservatives; he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting right-wing organizations and causes; he controls the US sushi industry; he does business with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il: and as Moon watchdog John Gorenfeld has reported, Moon officially considers himself Emperor o…

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