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The Faith Outreach Canard

…k of faith outreach. But as the political scientists note, there’s no proof that this was the problem. And given the across-the-board Democratic gains in the years Sapp cites as proof that his prescription works, there’s no evidence that his prescription would provide a cure to what ails the Democrats now….

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…midal model of one percent rule and the alternative Sinai model based on appropriate sharing where ‘there will be no poor among you’ (Deut. 15:4) and where swords will gradually be beaten into plowshares. We have, says Maguire, been living in a plowshares moment since the end of the Second World War, a “brief moral interlude,” when “there was sharing and a healthy middle class.” While the United States has now broken faith with the Sinai sharing m…

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55% of Utah Mormons Believe LGBT People can “Change”

…rallied around Elder Packer’s hurtful speech than have carefully read the prepared official PR statement affirming LGBT humanity and dignity. Few have absorbed the nuances Church leaders have been hammering out in successive statements about LGBT issues. Many are still thinking like we were taught to in the 1970s, that homosexuality is simply a base perversion, an abomination, and can be changed through repentance and prayer. Not so, say a legion…

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The Devil is in the Details

…y overdue amounts on that account either. Meanwhile, I am still collecting prayer requests and that means praying now and still remembering to call their names at Arafat. Yesterday I learned that a dear, dear friend has just gotten a cancer diagnosis. I’ll be really blessed to make a du’a for her speedy and complete recovery, but these are the things that make this time and this experience all the more meaningful. May Allah accept my hajj and gran…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…f controlling women’s reproduction at the center of his belief system—that perfectly illustrates the divergent and increasingly irreconcilable paths and priorities of progressive and conservative people of faith in the United States….

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…one time, not very long ago, Consolmagno’s comment would have struck me as preposterous, perhaps as an expression of the Vatican’s deep need to be way out ahead of everyone else on matters of science. (That Galileo affair really stung, didn’t it?) But in this reverse view, looking down on Earth from Gliese 581g, things seem a little less silly and a lot more interesting. Because the truth is, there are creatures, lost somewhere in the vast darknes…

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Commies, Blacks, Jews, the UCC and Other Threats to America

…urches The New Testement Revival Cathedral Resurrection Temple of the Lord Prayer, Praise and Worship Centers of America National Missionary Baptist Church National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Mother A.M.E. Zion Church Lemeul Haynes Congregational Church Jewish Labor Committee Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral United Church of Christ American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA) Beulah Church of…

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Halloween, Evangelicals, and the Macabre

…the Sacred Tribes evangelical academic journal. Also, new books are being produced that draw upon scholarly historical and ethnographic approaches to the study of forms of paganism, and critique has been brought to popular evangelical books on witchcraft, with evangelicals and pagans even coming together as described in Beyond the Burning Times (Lion, 2009). Halloween is also a good time to confront monsters. Monster Theory (University of Minneso…

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We Were Here Before September 11th

…e our numbers. For one thing, after September 11th we were given a small reprieve. American prejudice and intolerance floated from us as African Americans, who happen to be Muslim, and focused on Muslims who happen to be Americans. Therefore the hatred built up against foreign Muslims immigrant and their offspring. More than a few African-American Muslims were content to sit back and watch this unfold. 1) Because we already knew white America was…

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Why Anti-Gay Bullying is a Theological Issue

…to me that profound sadness and stunned silence is no longer a suitable, appropriate, or adequate response. From Lamentation to Indignation My sadness began to change into something different with each successive news story about another gay teen hanging himself, shooting himself, or jumping off a bridge. As I saw the faces of these young victims and imagined the family and friends left to cope with the chaos created by their suicides, my lamentat…

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