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What Do Islamophobes Have in Common with the Taliban?

…ot of people. I recently received an email from someone who called himself Charles Martel (the Frankish leader who defeated the Moorish army at the Battle of Tours in 732). Among other things, he wrote, “you are an apologist for Islam, have NO understanding of its history… other than the whitwashed [sic] politically correct version, so my guess is that Crusades 2.0 will be more of the same lack of a backbone rendition of the ‘religion of peace’ wh…

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Santorum and the New Catholic-Evangelical Alliance

…tepid, deciding not to jump in. For a deep dive into the Washington scene, Charles Pierce’s 2003 piece about Opus Dei in the Boston Globe magazine adds important context not only to Santorum’s flourishing into a rigid Catholic ideologue, but to the Beltway political culture in which such conservative politicians were groomed. The piece also helps explain, rather presciently, how a conservative Catholic like Santorum could be winning over evangelic…

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Patriotism and Piety—Not For Conservatives Only

…f higher income levels correlate with more frequent worship attendance (as Charles Murray, most famously, claims), the mystery deepens—the people who are best insulated from the economic shocks of the last four years and have the least reason to punish Obama are most likely to vote against him. Might religiosity be an independent variable, one that can override economics? Jonathan Haidt gives us good reason to think so. As you move along the polit…

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Former USCCB Spox: HHS Doesn’t Speak for Me on Contraception

…ex” which so worries Alvare, but physical suffering and death. Philosopher Charles Taylor, in his opus Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity, brands this a uniquely modern concern. Can you criticize that concern? Can you disagree with it? Sure. But seeing that the United States is in fact a modern liberal democracy without a state church, I suppose I’m left wondering what on earth the alternative would be when it comes to public healt…

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The Master: “It’s Not the L. Ron Story”

…tile environment for new religious movements. This idea brought together a number of other themes and ideas that had been rattling around in his head for some time, catalyzing them into a coherent story. Scientology-watchers will spot many connections between the film’s charismatic leader and Hubbard. Anderson researched the early history of Scientology by reading through The Abberree, a newsletter published from 1954-1965 by two of Hubbard’s earl…

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On Maryland Marriage Equality, It’s Raven vs. Raven [UDPATED]

…ozball became the iconic image of the evening. Also last night, actor Josh Charles, a Baltimore native, one of People magazine’s sexiest men alive, and supporter of marriage equality, threw out the first pitch at the Baltimore Orioles playoff game against the New York Yankees. (All in all, a fine night for Charm City.) What’s more, Marylanders for Marriage Equality has been compiling a great deal of religious support for the measure, both from cle…

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Taking (Public School) Teachers to Church, and the Mosque, and the Temple…

…inning of the Institute. The first session on the first day was led by Dr. Charles C. Haynes, who is the director of the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute. As he explained it, there is an essential distinction to understand, between “teaching religion” and “teaching about religion.” This distinction began to emerge in the 1960’s, when legal battles over school prayer made their way to the Supreme Court. While ultimately ruling teac…

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DeSantis is a No-Show, the Right’s ‘Secret Sauce,’ and Final Thoughts on Pray Vote Stand

…he gives us his biblical worldview spin: the person who’s right about the number is the person who knows who made the number and for what purpose. Neither person in the meme can know the truth of whether it’s a six or a nine until the author of the meme tells them. In other words, while there might be many worldviews, only God can truly tell us the truth of the world. Thus the only worldview that’s correct is the one that acknowledges God made th…

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Pornography’s Dirty Little Secret: What We Say vs. What We Do

…st, whereas Vermont—known to be a liberal state—clocked in with the lowest number of both Internet porn searches and religiosity. Just knowing the number of conservatives in a given state was enough information for the researchers to accurately predict the extent of pornography searches using key words including sex, gay sex, porn, free porn, XXX, and gay porn. These findings held true even after the researchers controlled for other demographic va…

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I Met God, She’s Black: An Exhibit Makes the Black Female Body a Temple

…the reception found a place for themselves where they were appreciated. A number of the women who showed up were from the black church and a number were deans or presidents of colleges, so it was this really wide range of experiences in this space. I think this is a very historic moment. Where else would you get to see more than 100 pieces of artwork from black women? You don’t. If you went to the de Young museum or to MoMA, you would see one or…

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