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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…to the largest ever anti-gay demonstration in Jamaica. Church of England: High-ranking woman comes out Jayne Ozanne, one of the highest-ranking officials in the Church of England, came out as a lesbian. Trevor Grundy at Religion News Service reports that Ozanne revealed that she had subjected herself to various forms of conversion therapy, including one “where clergy tried to case out a sexual orientation they deemed demonic.” “God is a God of su…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…amilies spokesman David Tut said. United Nations: UN LGBT Core Group holds high-level event; Chilean president promises marriage The UN LGBT Core Group, a network of equality-supporting countries, held a high-level meeting at the UN, which was addressed by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, Norwegian Prime Minister Ema Solberg, and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, reports Ashey Fowler for HRC. Bachelet announced that…

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Religion in Real Time on CNN’s “Believer”: A Conversation with Reza Aslan

…adaptive and individualistic and growing so fast, much in the same way the number of “spiritual but not religious” people is growing. Yes, and the exact same thing is paralleled in Scientology. You have a church that is obsessed with maintaining an absolute iron grip over the religion. If you don’t follow Scientology under the church’s guidance, you’re not really a Scientologist. And that again has led to stagnation, it’s led to a massive drop in…

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Why Romney Won’t Stand up to the Bigotry of Bryan Fischer

…ur interactions with non-Mormons who antagonize us. Believe me on this. In high school, one of my friends and track teammates wrote her junior year term paper arguing that Mormonism is a cult. She even gave me a copy to read. Did I enjoy it? No. But did that stop me from passing the baton to her when we ran the mile relay? No. And Fischer’s anti-Mormon rants won’t stop Romney from passing the microphone to him either. Third, Mormons have a history…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…it was internally rocked by the public reaction as well as the dissent by high-ranking Church officials. Early in his papacy, Benedict established a theological commission to explore clarifying the question. After all, as Rhonheimer notes, there is no official teaching on condoms per se. By 2008, hope that the commission would move the church toward open acknowledgement that condoms to prevent the transmission of AIDS was permissible faded and no…

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Prop 8 Ruling a True Test of Liberty (Religious or Otherwise)

…the National Organization for Marriage was so excited he called the coming high court battle the “Roe v. Wade of marriage.” Imagine the damage to the gay marriage movement when the US Supreme Court rules definitively that the US Constitution does NOT contain a right to same-sex marriage! This case could become the pivotal moment in the entire battle. What makes Brown so giddy about the prospect of SCOTUS taking up the measure? The fact that the ma…

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Don’t Call it a Turkish Spring

…argile. Also: No mint tea, which I consider heresy. It’s pretty bourgeois, high-end, and happening; plenty of women in hijab, plenty not. A parking lot with Range Rovers, Audis, and a high-end Benz, the kind with gull-wing doors.  I cannot afford this world. But I get it. The patrons of a place like Huqqa don’t venerate Ataturk. His regime persecuted them, drove them into hiding, forced them to dissimulate, and punished those who dared raise their…

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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…condition of their tax exemption. The Washington Post reported on Trump’s high level powwow with the evangelical leadership: Trump emphasized that America was hurting due to what he described as Christianity’s slide to become “weaker, weaker, weaker.” He’d get department store employees to say “Merry Christmas” again and would fight restrictions on public employees, such as school coaches, from being allowed to lead sectarian prayer on the field….

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The Latest Attempts to Get ‘In God We Trust’ Into Schools is a Coordinated Christian Nationalist Push [Part 3]

…even if they don’t use the phrase. Others are more shameless. A Louisiana high school principal said the quiet part out loud: “I still feel strongly that America is a Christian nation. I want our high school youngsters exposed to as much as [sic] that as possible.” There it is: Christian Nationalism. The display is about “exposing” a captive audience of schoolchildren to “as much” Christian nationalism “as possible.” Lou Dobbs and his guest expre…

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“Ex-Gay” NPR Report Closets Mormon Side of the Story

…nhood co-founder David Matheson are Mormon. Both have ties to Evergreen, a high-profile LDS nonprofit organization that encourages gay Mormons to “diminish same-sex attractions and overcome homosexual behavior.” Evergreen is not an arm of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but the fact that high-ranking Church officials speak at Evergreen annual conferences is understood within the Mormon community as something like an official seal…

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