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Unreleased Religious Freedom Manifesto Isn’t the Culture War Compromise It Hopes to Be

…the voices of those most likely to suffer should this vision of religious freedom be fully realized. There are many freedom struggles in the United States that demand attention and redress. But the immediate targets of the Charter group would seem to be the struggle for LGBTQ equality—which is confronted by well-funded efforts to gain legal exemption from everything from providing health care, adoption and foster care services for LGBTQ people—an…

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The Case Against Rebuilding Notre Dame

…to the canons’ residence, depicts the life of the Virgin; those above the south transept, which faced the bishop’s palace, the death of Stephen. Some of the earliest historical memories from Notre Dame likewise do not inspire thoughts of unity. In the early 12th century, a scholar named Peter Abelard dreamed of becoming the “master,” or chief teacher, at Notre Dame. To do so, he installed himself at a church outside the city walls on Mont Saint-G…

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Citing ‘Matthew 25’ Isn’t a Viable Democratic Faith Outreach Strategy

…iar to a churchgoer. The ad opens with footage from a speech by the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor in which Buttigieg says that if he’s elected president, Americans wouldn’t have to ask themselves, “Whatever happened to, ‘I was hungry and you fed me? I was a stranger and you welcomed me?’” Matthew 25! Tikkun olam! Walk humbly with God! Jim Wallis! Jimmy Carter! It’s like a game sometimes to see how many touchstones can be shoe-horned into one a…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…elicals tend to be conservative, giving the president a strong base in the South—this much is not surprising. Less obvious is that after Mormons, white Catholics and white mainline Protestants are Trump’s strongest supporters in the religious economy. As it happens, there’s a lot of voters like this in Pennsylvania and the industrial Midwest. In short, southern white evangelicals and northern Catholics and mainliners made it possible for Trump to…

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Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

…ace Force: God’s hand will guide these space soldiers in their “defense of freedom”—that is, the freedom of commercial enterprise. The administration advertised the biblical foundations of its protectionist pursuit of dominance in space with a ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral on January 12th, 2020. At an event that conflated Christian supremacism with American exceptionalism, the first Chief of Space Operations was sworn in on a King…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…stereotyping. We assert the right of all religions and their adherents to freedom from legal, economic, and social discrimination.” The good news for proponents of authentic religious freedom for all is that there’s a throughline from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison’s core idea of religious freedom to the values of Emma Anne Stephens, Tate Keuler, and Natalia Del Pino and the United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline. The Founders believed…

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Turn on the News: Why Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Faith Doesn’t Matter (But Amy Coney Barrett’s Did)

…ething much more passive-aggressive. Anyone who has spent real time in the South knows what it’s like to be asked “What’s your faith?” or “Where do you go to church?” Mostly, these are innocuous questions, more or less the equivalent of asking where someone grew up, albeit with the embedded assumption that one does have a faith. But those questions can also be used to place someone socially, to determine if they go to the right church, or have the…

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‘How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World’: An Interview with Author Elle Hardy

…Spiritual Warfare, and it’s hugely influential, particularly in the global south. It’s changed politics around the world. In Nigeria, for instance, it has significant political sway. In order to get the support of powerful preachers, political figures (even Muslims) have accepted that the world is defined as a spiritual battle between good and evil. How is the Pentecostal idea of spiritual battle substantially unique? This kind of demonology allow…

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Want To Know How 84% of the World Sees Itself: Study Theology

…ashed the work ethic and entrepreneurial spirits of citizens of the global South. But if we take Burton’s theological investigation of history and apply it to our faithful neighbors, we arrive at a much less paternalistic conclusion. “God will provide,” may seem like an empty, refrigerator-magnet platitude to the non-devout but it is a theological truth to adherents of the Prosperity Gospel in Nigeria. When a majority of Muslims worldwide believe…

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