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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…se. In a July 27 article in the New York Times, “In West Bank Settlements: Sign of Hope for a Deal” Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner point out the soft nature of Haredi sympathy for their ostensible partners. The article shows that while the Haredim enjoy the benefits of their lives in these settlements, by and large they have not become aligned, or even sympathetic, to Settler Zionism. Their position remains pragmatic; they do not see the state…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…s more, many early Zionists were ashamed of their weakness, seeing it as a sign that Jews were “abnormal.” They expected to escape all those feelings once they had their own independent nation, with its own armed forces. It doesn’t seem to have worked out that way. They have the power, to be sure (by various accounts, the fourth, fifth, or sixth most effective military in the world) which they frequently put on display. But all that expenditure of…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…Rome in the year 312, the pagan Constantine I had a dream and ordered the sign of the cross painted on the shields of his warriors. When Constantine’s outnumbered force won a swift victory the next day against Maxentius (acting on divine prophecies of his own), he gave enough of the credit to Jesus that, within a few years, nascent Christianity was on its way to becoming the official cult of the empire. It is common to think of religion as a prim…

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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…opponent, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson. But his election is not a good sign. As the New York Times mentions, this is the first time a vice president has not been elected president of the USCCB since the 1960s. What the Times fails to mention is that it happened then because the vice president was quite old and would have retired as bishop in the middle of his term. The rejection of a Bishop Kicanas is essentially unparalleled. As Thomas Reese…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…other sexually transmitted infections than is an exclusive focus on condom promotion. Regrettably, however, many scientists, HIV prevention educators, and AIDS activists are so fixed on condom promotion that they do not give due attention to the risk avoidance that is possible to achieve through abstinence outside marriage and mutual, lifelong fidelity within marriage.” Who, one asks, are these scientists who believe in the “exclusive focus on con…

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For Anti-Gay Conservatives, Grenell Symbolized Romney’s Untrustworthiness

…was supposed to be a spokesperson for the campaign. That, of course, was a sign that the campaign, and Romney in particular, were made queasy by the pressure from anti-gay Republicans. Grenell, to be sure, was not a perfect spokesperson—but not because of his support for marriage equality and LGBT rights. As his tweets demonstrated, he did have what could charitably be called a tact or diplomacy problem. But that’s not why, by all accounts, he res…

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It’s Unanimous: No “Moderates” in GOP Field

…s and tax credits), in addition cutting the Department of Education: Perry promoted school choice: vouchers charter schools Gingrich advocated the equivalent of Pell grants for K-12 Paul says there are some things the government can do: like “giving tax credits for people who opt out of public schools.” Romney supports “school choice” and threw in an attack on teachers’ unions for good measure Huntsman says he’s “actually done something on this, […

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Liberals Agree, Israel is Greatest Thing Since Sliced Challah

…xy saw the conquest of the West Bank, the biblical Judea and Samaria, as a sign not only of God’s favor but also of the imminence of the redemption. To exonerate Israel, Goldberg and Gorenberg, both well-known as American Jewish “liberals” on Israel, are willing to pin the blame on right wingers who are holding the well-meaning liberals hostage. The Israeli majority, Goldberg writes, “is powerless in the face of the relentless settler minority.” T…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…every person can make the right choice, the only choice, life.” Perry has signaled his desire not just to ban abortion, but to restrict access to contraceptives as well. This year he signed a law effectively cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood’s family planning services, and another that may prevent family planning funding through the Texas Women’s Health Program from being disbursed to any organizations that either provide abortions or are…

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Yom Kippur Prayers for Corporate Atonement at Occupy Wall St.

…Living. In addition, Sieradski is a writer, photographer, filmmaker, and designer whose work explores themes of post-normative Jewish cultural expression. I see from the Facebook page you put up for the Kol Nidre minyan at Occupy Wall Street that you already have more than enough people for minyan. To your knowledge, is this the very first Kol Nidre service in the history of the world that takes place in solidarity with a protest against economic…

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