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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

…strong attachment to him. Yet he was, to them, an Egyptian (even if he was really a Hebrew) raised in the house of Pharaoh, only discovering his “Hebrew” identity by accident when he witnessed the Egyptian taskmaster beating the Hebrew slave. In short, they did not completely trust him as is evident in the numerous times they blame him for taking them out to die in the wilderness. Basing his theory on nineteenth-century biblical scholarship, Freud…

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How Are the “Nones” Raising Their Children?

…ericans, especially young people, are leaving organized religion in record numbers. There are now more Nones than there are Catholics in the U.S. population, and one third of those under 30 say they have no religion. When I began this project ten years ago, most people writing about the Nones seemed to assume the story was temporary: that today’s Nones would be like the baby boomers a generation ago, many of whom dropped out of church in their you…

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‘Empty the Pews’ Gives Voice to Those Who’ve Escaped Toxic Christianity

…cted. There are people like me who have left their faith, people who don’t really know anything about religion and want to learn, and—most surprising to me—people who follow more progressive forms of Christianity. I had all those audiences in mind while working on this book, plus, perhaps above all, people who are currently questioning or deconstructing their faith; I want them to know that other paths are possible. Chrissy: When I started out wor…

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Inventing Jesus: An Interview with Bart Ehrman

…neighbor may in fact hold such views. What has been the reaction so far? A number of evangelical Christians who consider me to be the enemy are now cheering me on from the sidelines—and the humanists, agnostics, and atheists who thought I was their friend are now really upset with me.  Well, if everyone is angry, you must be doing it right! The thing is, I’ve never understood my writing to be debunking religion—even though a lot of people think th…

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RDBook: There is Nothing New About the New Atheism

…t know how heavily Dawkins leaned on Russell, but I’m sure that it doesn’t really matter. What a reader should retain is that Dawkins depends on the reputation and aura of science to remake old arguments that are essentially unassociated with his profession and experience, and unrelated to the advancements of science itself. I’ve read Dawkins since my senior year as a zoology student more than 25 years ago, when I studied his The Selfish Gene for…

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Pamela Geller in Brooklyn: Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Futility of Arguing with a Bigot

…g a speaker who claimed Baltimore and Ferguson reveal who all black people really are. Or, indeed, who (all) white people really are. 7:34 She’s whining that students don’t invite her to speak anymore. There’s an entire conspiracy at work, she assures us, an alliance between incendiary Islamists and leftie-liberals, to shut down free speech in America. Which explains why the last to invite her, Temple University, did so years ago. Of course, there…

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Undercover at Falwell’s Liberty University, Finding Common Ground

…in the co-ops that got Ivy-League naked parties started in the 1980s. What really drives people like Father Isaac up the wall, though, is the perception that, after these nights of debauchery, students’ heads are filled (by liberal professors) with all the post-everything “theory” they need to make it all seem like exactly what a liberated, ambitious young person with tip-top SAT scores should do. It was from this world that Kevin Roose, then a so…

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From Bad to Worstest: How Liberals Should (And Should Not) Talk About Values

…tories that prompt people to understand the world in a different way. It’s really hard to do. Remember, though, this is a conversation! Be prepared to listen to other people’s stories, and to think about them carefully. On the other hand, it’s fair to insist that they tell you their stories. I don’t really give a rat’s ass what FoxNews has to say, why do you think this way? It can be disconcerting for people to open up like this. Many won’t be abl…

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Douthat, Do Tell! Some Questions for a Columnist Longing for the Good Old Days of American Religion

…thical republic: One nation, Under God…etc. etc. But I don’t think Douthat really gives a fig for anyone inhabiting the nobler tier within that tradition, if only because that upper tier isn’t made of stern enough stuff to suit him. It’s too irenic. There’s too much dewy-eyed John Dewey-ism. He certainly scorns today’s liberals whom he regards as too eager to point out how the social glue of our imagined glory years was intermixed with white supre…

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Jesus for Atheists (and Agnostics, and Nones, and Everyone Else)

…incredibly valuable! What alternative title would you give the book? None really. The publisher and I were set on the main title right from the get-go. Then we explored some other possibilities and ended up circling back to where we started. It was quite a struggle coming up with the subtitle, however. Maybe that’s always the case. How do you feel about the cover? When I saw the cover, it was love and approval at first sight. Juxtaposing the King…

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