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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…advice, and even quizzes to take online to figure out what major would be best for you. Postmodernism as Gateway Drug to Atheism And, now, there has been an explosion of reporting on choice of college major—and religiosity—in the higher education press and the blogosphere. Both the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education reported on the ways this ritualized choice may (or may not) relate to losing one’s religion. In an article e…

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Oh My God(dess)! Feminist Spirituality in the Third Wave

…different kinds of religions. We don’t tend to think of the Internet as a site for spiritual practice, yet many young women are running Web sites and blogs in order to build a community and engage in theological discussion. What effect might technology have on feminist spirituality? This is the big question of the day for all religious use of the Internet. I think this kind of technology can bring people together from a wider range of contexts wh…

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Religion and Science: Toward a Postmodern Truce

…ural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof…” –(from the Web site of the Center for Science and Culture) “People of faith are in their different ways planning your and my destruction, and the destruction of all the hard-won human attainments that I have touched upon. Religion poisons everything.” –Christopher Hitchens A friend quipped recently that the two topics a liberal and a conservative should never discuss together are abortion…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…r the future. Older sister has told them that it is already happening; the site has been selected and the building has begun. The girls are less impressed than she has expected. They already know that the desert is just dry land waiting for water. They’ve heard of taking the salt out of seawater and diverting water from the Nile and bringing in water from a distance with pipes. They know the important thing is to get the fundamental ideas right an…

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Tea Partiers and Religious Right Court at Values Voter Summit

…authoritarianism. Stephen McDowell, Providence’s co-founder, said in a telephone interview that he would not consider himself a Christian Reconstructionist, “but I do believe that the Bible is the template that we ought to look to to build our life upon and our family and our business and our civil society. That’s where the people who founded America looked.” According to its Web site, “The Scriptures contain a theology of the family, the church,…

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American Fever: A Tale of Romance and Pestilence

…l is his defense of that enterprise. One of the clever features of the Web site, in fact, is that one can in fact purchase “personal protection gear” via links to Amazon. Disease, the Internet, and Cultural Anxiety If there’s a hero in American Fever, it might be, in fact, the Internet itself. Technology does not, as in other stories of scientific heroism, create a cure for the virus. Instead, the Internet is what allows the narrator to manage his…

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Meet Arizona’s Even More Anti-Immigrant Bill

…orted. A pastor kicked me off the grounds of a church that ran a day labor site, saying that lawyers prohibited anyone there speaking to the press. What made the incident so sad was that the church, Southside Presbyterian, birthed the Sanctuary Movement in the early 80s. It was where Rev. John Fife hung signs outside the church: “This is a Sanctuary for the Oppressed of Central America,” and “Immigration: do not profane the Sanctuary of God.” The…

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The Anti-Defamation League Jumps the Shark

…vicious anti-Semitism in the Arab world all the time; just check their Web site. They are used to the Muslims being the bad guys, and many of their very conservative donors drink from the well of the American Right’s Islamophobia—the new anti-communism, as some pundits have observed. Of course, the best weapon against radical Islamism is the moderate Islam preached by Imam Faisal Rauf, who has a long record of interfaith dialogue with the American…

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Judgment Day is Coming; Wear Clean Underwear

…ng, a San Francisco-area radio host and the owner of Family Radio. His web site,, says that Oct. 21 will be the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” Camping’s followers around the country have been promoting the big day by putting up billboards and driving vehicles with placards. But this is not the first time Camping has predicted Judgment Day: On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping’s believers gathered inside…

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History Channel’s The Bible Keeps Conservatives (Mostly) Happy and Jesus White

…With a lineup like that, and with (a Christian dating site in the wake of some bad press), being a primary sponsor of the show, the audience seems clear, and the first night’s ratings were pretty good, if not off the charts. But so far the effect is far murkier than the intent, as I will detail in future posts.  Thus far, the show appears to take too many liberties with the text to satisfy the most biblically-minded of viewers…

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