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Discovery Institute’s Bill Dembski Recants

…The young-earth old-earth debate, however, is only about 20 percent of the book. Most of it will be of interest to Christians of either stripe and even to theistic evolutionists.” So, his point is that even though one fifth of the book is devoted to the evidence against a literal interpretation of the Bible, fundamentalist Christians will still find it interesting. He also speculated in his book that the Great Flood was likely regional, rather tha…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…nce. It has helped shape the debate in powerful ways. Hameed writes of the book, There are very few good books out there that tackle the issue of Islam and science in a rational way. Often we find apologetic writings that grossly misunderstand science and end up doing a disservice to both Islam and science. Then we have books that address the issues of science and religion, but without a deeper understanding of religion. It is very rare (and I’m q…

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‘Hell is a World Without You’ Shows Readers How Squarely They Would Have Been on Path to Jan 6 if They’d Come of Age in Evangelicalism

…me. But I did wonder how well those normie readers would make sense of the book. One evening, I happened to mention Carman (the Christian musician and evangelist who gets a few references in the book) to my partner, and she had no idea what I was talking about. I took her on a YouTube rabbit hole of Carman videos, which she found horrifying. What have you heard from readers who didn’t have firsthand experience? I treated it like a sci-fi story. Wi…

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Catholic Citizenship: Massimo Faggioli on the Role of Public Theologians Today

…erica from Italy in 2007, and, he says, “this is the most American” of his books. A rigorously scholarly book that’s nonetheless accessible to non-academics, Faggioli’s book examines the impact of Vatican II both on clergy and lay people. Faggioli says that many American Catholics “share part of the responsibility” for the “democratic crisis” in Catholicism, “because they have forgotten and neglected an important part of the Vatican II message.” H…

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How Hell Has Shaped America

…as they entertain everyone else. What alternative title would you give the book? It’s a cheesy pun, but Damned Nation has been my title all along. I pitched it as a play on Ernest Lee Tuveson’s classic Redeemer Nation. Originally I also had a question mark (Damned Nation?) but my editor convinced me that punctuation in titles is never a good idea. The question mark was supposed to convey the uncertainty many antebellum Americans felt about the sta…

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RD Book: Faith and Faithfulness

The Party Faithful, Amy Sullivan’s new book is a must-read for academics, journalists, and just about anyone interested in the recent entwining of American politics and religion. In lucid, elegant prose, Sullivan explains where we are today (or were pre-2008) with Republicans claiming to be God’s Own Party while atheists, secular humanists, and other ‘others’ found safe haven in the Democratic party. Sullivan begins her account of how the Democra…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…at Martin Luther King Jr. was a communist agent. The cover of Hargis’ 1964 book, The Far Left, showed a weeping Statue of Liberty, dripping with blood, speared by a sword with a hammer and sickle handle. The purpose of the book, Hargis wrote in the introduction, was to expose not just communists, but also “those organizations and men who have aided and abetted the cause of Communism by word or deed, whether intentionally or unintentionally.” The “…

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Controversial Feminist Theologian Speaks at Nuns’ Final Assembly Without Vatican Oversight

…e went on to say that Cardinal Timothy Dolan told her that the reason her “book was singled out was because of its influence” and speculated that the hierarchy is now on a kind of autopilot that causes it to reject “works of theology that think in new terms about burning issues.” Johnson said this “institutionalized negativity sheds some light” on how criticism of her book and the LCWR are related: For the doctrinal investigation of LCWR gives evi…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…lso written on hunger and HIV as twinned issues in, for example, your 2010 book Names, Not Just Numbers: Facing Global Aids and World Hunger. I have to admit I love the title and its humane thrust. What do you see as the core reasons these issues are related? I already touched on this in response to an earlier question, when I sought to demonstrate the link between hunger and HIV. Let me expand my comments a bit. People who are HIV positive and wh…

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The Case for Treating Near-Death Experiences Like Acid Trips

…at was striking to us is that the elements of the trip corresponded to the classic definition of near-death experiences. It included a life-review scene (life passed before him like a movie), out of body experience, warm feelings—the classic hallmarks of near-death experience. The person having the LSD trip was quite happy explaining what happened in terms of chemical reactions in his brain due to a substance he ingested. What’s interesting is tha…

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