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New Pope Accused of Conspiring in Kidnapping

…hts lawyer accusing him of conspiring with the junta to kidnap two dissenting Jesuit priests in 1976.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the dictatorship—and outrage over the crimes committed during that period—remains a central part of the activist narrative in Argentina, heard widely at demonstrations in support of LGBT and reproductive rights. A common protest chant—“Iglesia. Basura. Vos sos la dicatura!” (Church. Garbage. You are the dictatorship!)—toda…

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Change v. Change at NPR

…Wyler’s stated reason for wanting to change was to fit in better with his Mormon faith (Spiegel and Schumacher-Matos incorrectly identifies Wyler as “evangelical Christian”). However, the “identity therapy” (more completely sexual identity therapy) does not promote change of orientation and is largely consistent with the APA and other professional groups on the matter of the durability of sexual orientation. For the most part, this is a religious…

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Conservative Christians Insist the Toxic Theology Portrayed in the Duggar Family Doc is ‘Fringe’ — But is it Really All That Different?

…es between the two. In fact, The Gospel Coalition (TGC) itself platforms a number of pastors whose views seem more or less in line with Gothard’s. TGC contributor Voddie Baucham, for example, is a strong proponent of early and often corporal punishment for children, even going so far as to advocate “all-day sessions” of physical punishment for toddlers in order to “wear them out.” Baucham, who helped popularize the Stay-at-Home-Daughter Movement,…

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New Poll Reveals That Anti-Trans Rhetoric isn’t Just Affecting Republicans and White Evangelicals

…hat I do find both surprising and troubling is the direction of the trend among more progressive demographics regarding Americans’ understanding of gender. Take Democrats, for example. In 2021, 38% of Democrats maintained there are only two genders; two years later, that figure has gone up to 44%. We see that same upward trend holding for Gen Z (43% in 2021 vs. a whopping 57% today) and millennials (51% and 60%, respectively). Black Protestants re…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…ublican Party similar to the white exodus from the mid-twentieth century Democratic Party after it moved towards rights for Black people. There has been no exodus. Instead, liberals attempt to put a hat back onto the head of a reality they increasingly have difficulty denying. As a last resort they assist with another vanishing act: the invention of “Trump’s base.” His base is understood to be the underbelly of American conservatives and not, as t…

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LDS General Conference in the “Mormon Moment”

…broadcast, and radio—for the Church’s semi-annual General Conference. For Mormons, Conference means listening to a set of sermon-like addresses by Church leaders, not “conferring” in committee and deliberating policy, as is the case for other Protestant denominations. And although Church spokespeople stressed that Conference this year would be a routine affair, attentive Conference observers noticed signs that the Church is aware of what the medi…

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Neuroscience Says Evil is “Over”: Not So Fast…

…with what one might find in the scientific journals?” This question may be more difficult than the first, but it’s more urgent. Because it often happens that scientists, like so many priests and other religious leaders, use their hard-earned authority unwisely. They go just a little outside their boundaries. They embellish. They add their own stuff. To wit: “My main goal,” writes Cambridge psychopathologist Simon Baron-Cohen in his book The Scienc…

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New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay”

…rigorous you get, the further removed you get from real life. We followed more of a real-life model than a hyper-controlled experimental model. We think the results challenge the reigning mindset that change is impossible or is extraordinarily rare.” Really, why try some proven methodology when one that gives you more of the results you want will do? The APA is so picky. None of these qualifications, however, will stop the religious right from to…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…ous stone Celtic crosses that still line the shores. Columba never met the more famous Patrick, but Iona’s founding evidences the latter’s piety. Ironically, it was Columba’s grandfather, the pagan king Nial, who was responsible for Patrick’s kidnapping, the event which began the saint’s ministry in Ireland. Now, both Patrick and Columba are among the dozen canonized Disciples of Ireland, though beyond even that honorific, both are remembered as e…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…d whether that’s even an appropriate question to ask—Gaskin ultimately has more in common with the classical Christian view, wherein women’s reproductive organs exist for a clearly-discernible purpose, reflecting a sacred and beneficent design. Starting Over So, anyway, that’s where we are. The notion that pregnancy is not an illness draws, I daresay uneasily, from a number of sources. There’s the classical notion that a thing’s nature is derived…

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