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Reactionary White Buddhists Have Joined The Fight Against Critical Race Theory

…red with anti-critical race theory laws being passed for K-12 schools in a number of Republican states and further bills aimed at higher education proposed. What many will perhaps find more surprising is that the rhetoric being used by Campus Reform and their ilk is far from new to me or fellow researchers working on racial justice in American Buddhism. Rather it echoes some of the white Buddhist backlash to racial justice work. A number of white…

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Can The Religious Left Be Effective Again? Longer Answer: Quizás

…ations Survey “not previously available to researchers” to track churches’ participation in service ministries and political action. His conclusions are intriguing: more churches are focusing on ministry, fewer on politics. Specifically and against the grain of the received narrative, conservative evangelicals are leading this shift: Fulton found that the most substantial decrease in political participation has occurred among white evangelical chu…

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Pope Francis Has Painted Himself into a Corner on Women Deacons

…ate, is a direct route to the presbyterate, episcopacy, and, de facto, the papacy. The other, naming women as deaconesses but giving them no authority or jurisdiction, is the ladder that goes nowhere. My expectation—and I have longed to be proven wrong by the kyriarchal church but it has not happened—is that Pope Francis will steer women up the ladder that goes nowhere in terms of decision-making or jurisdiction. That would be consistent with his…

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Oklahoma Bill Would Violate Basic Freedoms, Rewrite the Ten Commandments

…it was later moved to private property so as not to violate church-state separation. A similar bill failed to pass in Texas last year, and it too prescribed the Commandments lite. While it’s tempting to let Olsen off the hook as an unoriginal copyist, he is the author of this bill and ultimately responsible for the content and the scriptural edits. So let’s be absolutely clear: if Olsen’s proposal becomes law, Oklahoma would be rewriting the Bible…

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Don’t Call It “Prayer Shaming”: Our Moral Failure Exposed

…ciations’ lucrative death grip on the trigger conscience of the Republican Party. Republicans voted down expansions of background checks that would include stricter limits to online and gun show purchases and the prevention of firearm sales to persons on the terror watch list. People of faith have a sacramental duty to hold lawmakers accountable for protecting the sacredness of human life. While we debated prayer and deconstructed the meaning of p…

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“As Orthodox As They Come”: A Backstage Conversation With Rob Bell

…g analogical jumps: dark matter is a metaphor for the hidden wounds in our past; the expansion of the universe affirms a progressive Christian vision of universal love; the physics of emergence invite us to self-transcend. The universe is an amazing, mysterious place, Bell preaches, and we can see ourselves in all of it. As a speaker, Bell is charming—quick and funny with a well-developed patter. The former megachurch pastor-turned-Oprah affiliate…

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The Abortion Debate, Texas Style

…ximately 45 minutes later, the testimony started. Experts testified, and impassioned speaker after impassioned speaker stepped up to the podium. After one gentleman opened with a prayer—which to me felt a bit like pious posturing—I stepped out into the hall. On my right, the orange were lining people up to testify, on my far left a pool of blue stood with heads bowed. As a person of faith and in the ordination process of a mainline denomination, I…

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American Sin: Why Pope Francis’ Mercy is Not Our Mercy

…These can be awkward and painful to witness, but they offer some sense of participatory release. We are no longer forgiven by God, but by one another. The majority of Americans do not get their ideas about mercy from churches. They get it from television and films. And in our entertainment, mercy is not something given by God, but given from one person to another. In the new Star Wars film, Finn’s merciful act toward the imprisoned Poe ends up li…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…matter. He is the presumed nominee of one of America’s two major political parties; no other Republican candidate is within striking distance. In virtually every national poll—and in recent battleground state polls—a two-way election between Trump and Joe Biden is a tossup.* In PRRI’s recent American Values Survey, conducted in partnership with the Brookings Institution, nearly all voters who supported Trump in 2020 (94%) said they planned to supp…

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Scott Walker Loves Jesus. That’s Nice

…h as old man Kohler, poured still more resources into the fight—ultimately paying a relatively small number of strikers the then-unheard-of sum of $12 million in union strike benefits. The union had won an overwhelming victory. But within a decade Kohler was shipping the work to new non-union facilities in the South. Just last year the current magnate—yet another Herbert Kohler—pushed through a greatly weakened contract for the small number of Loc…

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