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The Revelation of Kurt Andersen: With ‘Evil Geniuses’ a Media Mandarin Discovers Plutocracy

…ey had. I make no claim to having been ahead of my time, and I loved every minute of my experience with that spirited and serious-minded faith community. But I was reminded of my outlier status back then when I read Ginia Bellafante’s piquant “Big City” interview with Kurt Andersen in Sunday’s Times. Andersen’s bestselling new book, Evil Geniuses, amounts to an extended mea culpa for his own inability, and the inability of culture liberals like hi…

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The ‘C’ Word: What We’re Missing When We Talk About ‘White Privilege’

…believe in him and want to see him with a second term, and of course that number fluctuates. So I think that he’s able to galvanize support by reminding people of a time that actually didn’t exist in our country. But they’ve romanticized the 1940s and 50s and, you know, it’s as if there weren’t people of color here during that time. When you look at Leave it to Beaver and when you look at some of the other shows that are indicative of that time p…

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Gun-Wielding White Couple Make Perfect Protagonists for Republican Convention’s ‘Great American Story’

…d States. Which brings us back to the McCloskeys. In their four-and-a-half-minute speech they were adamant about their “God-given right to protect their homes and their families,” by brandishing weapons on their own private property. They and others believe that, in this nation, citizens should be able to defend themselves using firearms against any aggression, real or perceived. Consider for a moment the connection between Christian nationalism a…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…how the film has been generally received so far. CK: So far, we’ve been amazingly short of trolls and horrible reviews. KGV: It’s shocking. I expected much more controversy. A lot of people have come with amazingly positive reviews and said that this is really important, and covered things that they didn’t know. CK: In terms of it getting out there, we’ve found that around the world there’s a much stronger embrace of it in countries that are more…

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Mormon Leader: ‘I’m Sorry’ For Hurtful Legacy of Prop. 8

…of 2008, when entire congregations were mobilized as precinct-walkers and phonebankers in the service of a political strategy that portrayed gay and lesbian civil marriage rights as a threat to religious freedom and “traditional” families. Still others debated the wisdom of publicizing the apology and the event, worrying aloud that within the highly disciplined LDS Church hierarchy, Jensen—a favorite among liberal Mormons—might suffer some conseq…

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It’s Time for Democrats to Read the Bible Verses on the Wall and Stop Courting White Evangelicals

…he knows Lucy’s track record: she will yank the football away at the last minute. Still, every time Lucy convinces Charlie that this time will be different. But every time he runs toward the ball Lucy pulls it away sending Charlie flying into the air and landing flat on his back. It’s the perfect analogy for the Democratic Party’s attempts to try and win back the white evangelical vote over the last four presidential elections. Every election cyc…

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It’s Not About Facts or Fear: What Many Liberals Get Wrong About Religious Conservatives

…omination. Fourth, the appeal of Donald Trump. Forget about religion for a minute to remind yourself who the president is. He doesn’t care about anything but himself. WEPs and WCCs think anyone who isn’t a WEP or a WCC is the enemy. Put these together, and you have have what is, for all intents and purposes, a cult-like movement comprising millions of Americans who already felt the slow muddle of modernity was Christian genocide not otherwise spec…

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‘Defund the Police’ Isn’t the Problem

…a snappy slogan like ‘Defund the police,’ but you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done. But if you instead say, “Let’s reform the police department so that everybody’s being treated fairly, you know, divert young people from getting into crime … [then] suddenly, a whole bunch of folks who might not otherwise listen to you are listening to you. And i…

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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…y eugenicists and cheered by white supremacists, came a decade before the Nazi Party took power in Germany” and they stayed on the books through the 1930s and 40s. According to Erbelding, as anti-Jewish pogroms took place in Eastern Europe, U.S. policy makers approved immigration laws that included a last-minute decision by the Senate not to provide protection for those fleeing religious and political persecution. Immigration laws were likewise en…

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The Problem Isn’t Just Legal Efforts to Overturn Elections, the Problem is Bad Faith

…that state. He also seems set to pressure Mike Pence right up to the last minute to do what is impossible (and illegal), and will no doubt rage and perhaps lash out when Congressional Republicans fail to rescue him from final defeat, as they surely will. Beyond Trump, however, various dead-enders continue to file increasingly far-fetched lawsuits seeking to overturn election results in hotly-contested states like Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Mich…

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