Apparently the Iowa Republican Party considers him to be in the rising star category, as his first visit to that all important primary state as culminated in an address as keynote speaker the “Night of the Rising Stars” fundraiser:
He had a packed schedule over the weekend in his first visit to Iowa, meeting with party leaders and the College Republicans, speaking at Iowa State, and meeting with voters at a couple of book signings.
Echoing the same themes his father has promoted for decades with only minimal success (budget cuts, tax cuts, gutting the federal reserve— all while supporting the religious right’s social agenda), the younger Paul may have the chops and the timing take the family agenda to the next level.
Paul the younger says he will only run for President if his father does not; Paul the elder has not yet decided. In any case, he’s keeping his name in the media and his face on TV, smoothly sliding into the position as leader of tea party, promoting his book The Tea Party Goes to Washington, and reminding Republicans not to compromise their increasingly conservative values.