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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

  Human Rights Watch released a report calling for an end to cruel, degrading, and useless anal exams that supposedly “test” for homosexuality: Some countries where authorities have used forced anal exams in the past, most notably Lebanon, have taken steps to end the practice. But others, including Egypt and Tunisia, rely on them with great frequency in prosecutions for consensual same-sex conduct. The use of forced anal examinations appears to b…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

When he visited shortly after its official launch yesterday morning, Jayce Cox cried. There at the new LDS Church-owned website, Cox, a gay Mormon man with six generations of family history in the LDS faith, saw video messages from top-ranking Church leaders and rank-and-file gay Mormons calling explicitly for greater understanding, openness, and dialogue around LGBT issues and an end to the rejection of gay family members, con…

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Dialogue or Demonization? Where Gays are Concerned, Focus on the Family Wants it Both Ways

Silence can be disturbing—at least according to one conservative Christian group in California. Last Friday, when the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) sponsored its annual Day of Silence, in which students take a vow of silence “to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools,” staged a walkout, urging parents to protect their kids from “indoctrination” by keeping th…

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“Far Too Extreme For America To Accept,” Hamas “Endorsed Obama,” “Forced Abortions,” and More

From Think Progress comes this breakdown of the 25-minute ad produced by the National Republican Trust PAC, and which is airing on Fox affiliates around the country: Several Fox television stations and one ABC affiliate in key battleground states are running a Republican front group’s anti-Obama propaganda as paid programming in the final days leading up to the election. The National Republican Trust PAC, run by conservative conspiracy theorist S…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

International Family Equality Day was celebrated on May 7 with events in 30 countries. The United Nations Special Repporteur in the field of cultural rights, Karima Bennoune, invited contributions to a consultation on the impact of fundamentalism and extremism on the cultural rights of women. The deadline for submissions is May 19. The United Methodist Church’s judicial council ruled that a lesbian bishop’s election violated church law which hold…

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The Papal Prayer Machine

In the days following Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement that he would resign last month, the Catholic men’s organization the Knights of Columbus offered a novel way for the faithful to take part in their Church’s transition from one leader to the next.  Following the pontiff’s request that all Catholics “continue to pray for me, for the Church, and for the future pope,” the Knights naturally asked for prayers. Breaking new ground, however, they pr…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

Durga Sengupta at reported on progress and backlash on LGBT issues in India and around the world in 2016. The Family Research Council praised the Trump transition team for demanding information from the State Department on programs and staff involved in promoting “gender equality.” Perkins complained that during the Obama administration the State Department operated “as a global base for abortion and sexual activism” that focused on…

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Rep. Kinzinger Rejects Judgmental Family Letter But He’s No Cure for Evangelical GOP Authoritarianism

This week, Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of only ten Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted for Donald Trump’s second impeachment, released to The New York Times a letter signed by 11 members of his family eviscerating him for that decision. And that letter [see images below], which accuses Kinzinger of joining “the devil’s army,” which it defines as “Democrats and the fake news media,” is generating buzz in both trad…

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Trump’s Lawsuit Amounts to ‘a Tweet With a Filing Fee,’ But That’s Not the Whole Strategy

Stop the counting! Keep counting! These contradictory demands lie at the heart of Trump’s legal strategy to steal the 2020 election. You can see it in the opposing chant of Trump supporters in The Recount’s remarkable side-by-side video of small MAGA mobs in Arizona and Michigan; rats piped to their nearest polling place by the dog whistles of Trump himself. The Trump campaign and the Repu…

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Spiritual, But Not Religulous

“Religion must die for mankind to live.” So concludes Bill Maher in his new documentary Religulous, in which he travels the world interviewing religious zealots in an attempt to alert humanity to the apocalypse-ushering absurdities of their beliefs. On the one hand, the film, directed by Larry Charles of Borat fame, is a super-funny and much-needed intervention for a world increasingly beholden to religious fundamentalism. The problem is that Mah…

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