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Pastor Now Sees Anti-Gay Movement as “Mean-Spirited”

In 1989, Murray Richmond was the pastor of a small Presbyterian congregation in North Carolina. At the time, he writes in an essay on, the issue of gays and lesbians in the church was “invisible”—but his views were clear, homosexuality was a sin, end of argument. Gay rights were barely on the radar of mainstream churches. The idea of an openly gay pastor was beyond the pale. I knew there were “gay churches,” of course, but I did not bel…

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Mennonite in a Midlife Crisis (of Faith)

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home By Rhoda Janzen (Henry Holt and Company, 2009) Which is better: to battle against religious stereotypes, or to have a faith completely unknown to others? In my case, my family’s religious persuasion—the Church of God, the congregational Christian church based in Anderson, Indiana—is often mistaken for something else, if not entirely misunderstood. I may not be the best person to explain no…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

Donald Trump’s Waco rally this past weekend was, in the end, filled with echoes of the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian compound—just not the kind we like to talk about. And, despite the New York Times profile of the Q-adjacent pastor Charles Pace, who lives on the site of the former Branch Davidian compound,* and his lurid quotes (“Donald Trump is the anointed of God… He is the battering ram that God is using to bring down the Deep State of Bab…

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Who’s Smearing Obama?

It started when the Grey Lady ran an Op-Ed entitled “President Apostate?” on May 12. The instantaneously controversial opinion piece by military historian and security analyst Edward N. Luttwak argued that, due to a technicality of Shari`a, Democratic nominee Barack Obama would be automatically and inexorably viewed as an infidel by Muslims everywhere, and thus targeted for elimination. President Obama’s ability to promote American interests abro…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

In her recent New York Times opinion piece, Asma T. Uddin rightly criticizes the “disturbing trend … [of] state lawmakers, lawyers, and influential social commentators,” like Oklahoma Republican state Rep. John Bennett, who claim that Muslims in the United States don’t deserve religious freedoms granted to adherents of other religions because “Islam is not even a religion; it is a political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global…

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5 Take-Aways from the Newly Viral Romney End-Times Video

A 2008 hidden-camera video of a perturbed Mitt Romney discussing Mormonism with an ultra-conservative Iowa talk radio host named Jan Mickelson started making the rounds again late last week, and now, according to, it has gone “viral.” Prickly and irritated, Romney pushes back when Mickelson challenges him on his view of the end-times and whether Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem or a New Jerusalem in the Americas. “I understand…

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Graham Whistles “Dixie” on Morning Joe

Franklin Graham’s Fat Tuesday appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe came with his usual “dog whistle” to the Tea Party and Teavangelicals about Obama being a Muslim. Graham has done this before, back in April of 2011, when he discussed President Obama on This Week with Christiane Amanpour. Graham threw out all of the dog whistles he could, bringing up Jeremiah Wright, and pushing back on the panels’ direct question to him as to whether President Obam…

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The End of Trust: YouTube, Lies and Videotape

In a recent retrospective on Walter Cronkite, Time crowned the news-star “The Man With America’s Trust”. Some have since said that that trust died with Cronkite. I may risk being cynical here, but I’d like to agree. Almost exactly three months ago, I received an e-mail forward from a Great Aunt with a link to a video on YouTube. Stunned enough by the fact that my 80-something Great Aunt knew what YouTube was, I checked it out. The video has made…

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You Are Being Organized by Something: 10 Questions for Kathryn Lofton on Consuming Religion

What inspired you to write Consuming Religion? Restlessness. After I finished my first book, I realized quickly that I left several major questions without satisfying answers. First, why does progressive change seem to need to be represented first in conservative drag? The simplest example of this could be seen in the figure of Michelle Obama, who found herself schooled during the electoral process into becoming a political mannequin because the…

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Satanic Harmonies and Zoom Church: Readers Respond

I promised from the outset of this column that it would feature feedback from readers, and almost from the outset, readers have been taking me up on that offer. Here’s an assortment of what people have been saying, lightly edited for length and clarity. Satanic Harmonies D.L. from Normal, Illinois wrote in response to my column on the New York Times coverage of the “high priestess of satanic harmonies” Anna von Hausswolff: I remember back in my s…

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