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Justice v. Revenge: The Question Beneath the Question of Prison Reform

This article is part of It’s Your Fault, The Cubit’s series on blame in contemporary society. In her contribution to the series, journalist Xarissa Holdaway examines the American prison system and the fragile relationships among rehabilitation, containment, and revenge. For more on blame, read the introductory post or explore the full series. When Louis Dwight died in 1853, the Boston Courier lamented, “we know not who can succeed him; but it is…

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What the Latest ‘God’s Not Dead’ Gets Egregiously Wrong — and Right — About Homeschooling

God’s Not Dead: We The People is the fourth installment of Pure Flix’s movie series centering on evangelical persecution porn. The movie concerns a group of evangelical homeschooling parents persecuted by a local social worker and judge for teaching children about Noah’s Flood. The parents travel to Washington D.C. to lobby against a related federal bill that would nationalize educational standards in the US and make homeschooling illegal. Pure F…

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Dems Should Take Notes From Elizabeth Warren’s Pitch-Perfect Answer on Faith

Elizabeth Warren spoke about her faith at a recent CNN town hall meeting (as candidates do). Her answer was great, and it’s worth taking a minute to understand why. First, let’s roll the clip: I am an admitted Warren fan, though I haven’t backed her in the 2020 primary. But this is first of all a master class in taking an off-message question and steering the subject back to what the candidat…

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International ‘Pro-Family’ Summit Calls for New Anti-Gay Laws: Global LGBT Recap

American Evangelicals Attend Anti-Gay Summit in Moscow We noted last week that the World Congress of Families’ planned summit seemed to be going ahead generally as planned, though without the official WCF imprimatur. That’s exactly what happened this week, with WCF officials Don Feder and Larry Jacobs in attendance, along with Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage. Miranda Blue reports at Right Wing Watch that the event, whose the…

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The Right’s ‘Grooming’ Rhetoric Didn’t Begin with QAnon — You Have to Go Back a Bit Further to Get to the Source

It seems that all the Right wants to talk about these days is “grooming.” These accusations became popular recently in Florida with Republicans pushing for a law equating books about LGBT families with pedophiles grooming children. Governor Ron DeSantis’s press secretary, Christina Pushaw, made this explicit, tweeting: “The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill.” (The bill…

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Stop Trying to Save Jesus: ‘Fandamentalism’ Reinforces the Problem of Christian Supremacism

If you’ve spent much time around fandoms, online or off, you’ve surely heard something like, “Celebrity X (or TV show, or book series, etc.) is great, but my God, their fans are the worst.” Of course, sometimes the celebrity or work in question may itself deserve critical scrutiny, or even condemnation, but throngs of maniacal fans show up to shout down anyone trying to start that conversation. Enter Jesus. Because man, does that dude have some o…

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Unmasking the Intention Behind the “Unmasking” of Obama

In last Sunday’s New York Times, op-ed writer Nicholas Kristof said the accusations that Barack Obama is a Muslim aren’t so much religious slander as they are an attempt to “Otherize” the Democratic candidate.  Writing from “a sense of personal responsibility,” Kristof pointed his finger at journalists who serve  as enablers of this subtly racist strategy. Kristof aptly points out that in trying to prove that Obama is a Muslim, “Muslim” itself be…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

After Bishop Michael Bruce Curry delivered his sermon at today’s wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, many observers around the world wondered, as one headline put it, “Who was the Jesuit priest mentioned during the Royal Wedding sermon?” On Twitter, many of those familiar with the work of that Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, expressed surprise and joy at the inclusion of a figure whose work had had a warning, or “monitum,” place…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

While anti-abortion advocates in the U.S. have embraced Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng as a “pro-life” activist, Chen is, in fact, a crusader against forced abortion and sterilization. In the U.S., “pro-life” connotes opposition to abortion, per se, so Chen isn’t an anti-abortion activist in the U.S. sense. He is a self-taught lawyer who brought down the wrath of local officials by demanding they follow the law of the land and stop forced abor…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

What the hell did I just see? Not in a good way. No. Seriously: what the hell did I just see? The short version of my reaction to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell pimping his journey “from crack addict to CEO” goes something like this: “What the actual…” followed by a string of nouns and gerunds that Religion Dispatches will not allow me to publish for my own good. The longer version of my react…

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