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Rand Paul’s Messianic Campaign Video Shouts “Yes I Can!”

The unique spectacle that is the presidential election season entered a whole new realm of fantasy last week with the dissemination of “A Different Kind of Republican Leader,” the official Rand Paul campaign trailer. Painting Paul as a kind of superhero—framed against garish red light with a thumping guitar and synth soundtrack—reminiscent of Tony Stark at the end of the first Iron Man movie, declaring the super-robot’s true identity and smirking…

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The Tweets of the Christ

More and more, serious business is being done through Twitter, a Web site with a most unserious-sounding name. On Twitter, you tweet out a tweet, which everyone who is following your tweets can see. True to the name and its accompanying noun/verb, the site’s architecture seemingly confines it to the trivial. Every tweet must be under 140 characters (which this paragraph has already long exceeded). Even its built-in instructions emphasize triviali…

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Catholic Nuns Show Bishops How it’s Done on ObamaCare

In the end, it would be a fitting sort of justice if it were the Catholic nuns who saved the Affordable Care Act. After all, it was only through the efforts of Sister Nancy Keehan of the Catholic Health Association and Sister Simone Campbell of the social justice lobby NETWORK that the ACA passed in the first place. Both Keehan and Campbell lent their support to the measure when it was under sustained, and nearly fatal, attack from the U.S. Confe…

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Why Natural Disasters Were Perfect Timing for Anti-LGBT Nashville Statement

Amid all the ruminations and critiques of the Nashville Statement, one aspect sticks out to me as particularly curious: the timing. Why did the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood choose this precise moment to trumpet evangelical Christianity’s longstanding, categorical opposition to LGBT identity? Sure, some LGBT people had been enjoying a modicum of normalization in American society (at least before January 20). And although the statement…

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‘The White Privileged Man’s Burden’: If Jesus Was White Who Are We to Question the ‘Privilege’ That Came With it?

Religious institutions across America are seeking out anti-racist professionals in a long overdue attempt to address the legacies of racism, bigotry, and discrimination in their denominations. The General Commission on Religion and Race of The United Methodist Church selected Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility to develop a response to “white privilege” called, appropriately, “Deconstructing White privilege.” For those unfamiliar with “Whit…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

Like for Halloween and Christmas, the sales pitches arrive well before the actual event. Television, radio, newspapers, piles of merchandise in stores you visit, and blogs all announce: Back to School! For some it’s kindergarten, for others, the very first day of college. School is starting soon. And that may mean losing your religion. And no, not the R.E.M. song. Nor, indeed, most of the definitions of the phrase out there—losing your temper, gi…

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Claiming That ‘We Birthed a Nation From Nothing’ CNN’s Rick Santorum Gives a Master Class in Christian Nationalism: An Open Letter to CNN

Dear CNN, Many questioned your decision to hire Rick Santorum as a senior political commentator back in January 2017. Not because he’s a conservative—diversity of opinion can be valuable—but because he’s a bigot. His bigotry toward LGBTQ people was already well-known and documented, as even a cursory Google search shows. That his bigotry was rooted in religion perhaps gave him a pass, and your network chose to pay this man, presumably quite well,…

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Is Corrupt, but Liberty U’s Problems Go Far Deeper

Liberty alumni of a certain age remember December 4, 2015. It was a Friday morning and we were sitting in one of our mandatory, thrice-weekly Convocations, where political and prominent Christian guests are invited to speak to the student body. I doubt many of us remember who the guest speaker was that day, just that Jerry Falwell, our university president, addressed us afterward. Two days prior, a duo in San Bernadino, California carried out a m…

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Why Hulu’s “Handmaid’s Tale” May Be the Wrong Adaptation for Trump Era

The following was originally published on April 25, 2017. The upcoming release of Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale miniseries is an opportunity to appreciate the cultural significance—and political prescience—of Margaret Atwood’s famous 1985 novel. As viewers discover, in a near future world wracked by environmental catastrophe and an infertility epidemic, Christian fundamentalists launch a coup in the U.S., killing the president and congress and installin…

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Between Butker, Candace Owens, and Nick Fuentes TradCaths are Having a Moment — A Moment With Something to Tell us About Christian Nationalism 

Trads (or traditionalist Catholics) are having a moment. In the last four weeks alone, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered a controversial commencement speech at a conservative Catholic college, right-wing media personality Candace Owens announced her conversion to Catholicism, and White supremacist and Catholic integralist Nick Fuentes returned to X (formerly Twitter) after having been banned for antisemitism. There are certainly…

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