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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

The silence on the part of religious liberty advocates in a pair of recent cases involving Muslim employees would appear to be a simple case of prioritizing the religious beliefs of Christians over those of minority workers. But the explanation may be both more and less cynical. On Monday, the New York Times reported on an ongoing labor dispute between around 200 Muslim workers and their employer, Cargill Meat Solutions, a meat processing plant i…

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LGBT’s, Opponents Prep for Vatican Synod; UN Rights Council Adopts LGBT Resolution; Brazil’s Evangelicals Eye Presidency; Global LGBT Recap

Catholic Church: LGBT Catholics, Conservative Christians Jockey as Family Synod Approaches The Ways of Love: International Conference for a Pastoral Care with Homosexual and Transsexual People, took place in Rome today, October 3, in advance of the upcoming bishops’ synod on the family. America Magazine, a Catholic journal published by the Jesuit Order, published “Towards Global Inclusion of LGBT People Within Catholic Communities,” remarks made…

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Why Does Trump’s Authoritarian Christian Base Ignore Never-Trump Evangelical Leaders?

Here we are, a week and a half after Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden became the mathematically inevitable president-elect, and yet Donald Trump’s base continues to push false narratives that Trump “really” won because of non-existent “voter fraud,” or that he will somehow yet prevail. Trump himself, of course, constantly spreads this disinformation and stokes his authoritarian base, which predominantly consists of white Christians, an…

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I’m Too Sexy for My Church: Will a Thriving Singles Scene Renew American Catholicism?

As the choir rehearses before St. Monica’s Sunday evening Mass, two blond women in skinny jeans slide into a pew in the rear of the church and chat quietly. A few pews back a woman wearing a mid-thigh length dress and a long sweater genuflects before beginning to pray. Before long, the church is filled with attractive people under 40. St. Monica Catholic Community is a destination parish for young adults in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles with a r…

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Prosperity Gospel Prayers Aren’t Sufficient to Save Hurricane Victims

In between advertising her own books and promoting her rock star husband’s albums, Trump’s Prosperity Gospel confidant, Paula White-Cain, took a moment to acknowledge those affected by Hurricane Dorian. White-Cain tweeted a link to the evangelical pastor Greg Laurie’s Fox News article defending “prayer” as a legitimate response to mass shootings and hurricanes. White-Cain agreed with Laurie that “Prayer makes a powerful difference.” This is surpr…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

As one might imagine, Yale University’s recent conference on White Christian nationalism and the midterm elections was full of sobering information. And yet, two conclusions managed to stand apart from the rest. First, that the phenomenon is firmly anchored within the Republican and conservative mainstream; and second, that its most fanatical proponents keep moving further and further to the Right. This was illustrated most urgently by Bradley On…

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War on Christmas, War on Schmistmas, Happy Holiday

Today I told someone I won’t see again until the first of the year that I hoped he would have a happy holiday. This genuinely warm wish generated an unsettling response in which I was accused of participating in a “war on Christmas” in favor of “political correctness.” For the record, I am in no “war on Christmas.” I am not a Christian and have no desire to regulate how Christians celebrate this holiday. Nor have I engaged in any effort to limit…

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When Fundamentalism Follows You Out the Door: Transphobic Statement Exposes Exvangelical Trauma

Last December, I waxed optimistic about the accomplishments and potential of the exvangelical community and movement in a year-end retrospective here on RD. Then this January, exvies exploded onto the scene with the #ExposeChristianSchools campaign I launched in response to the defensiveness of Vice President Mike Pence and movement conservatives over criticism of second lady Karen Pence for returning to her job as an art teacher at an anti-LGBTQ…

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History Channel’s The Bible Keeps Conservatives (Mostly) Happy and Jesus White

Where have I seen this before? Moses realizing his calling, leading his people, parting the Red Sea (only this time with CGI assistance); Samson, falling for Delilah; King David, marching as to war; Jesus (yet another fine-looking white guy), breathless, sexy, mouthing his beatitudes before suffering on the cross; and much, much more. Admittedly, I had not seen Noah (portrayed here by an actor with a fine Scottish brogue) deliver some of the key…

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RDNews: Oct 20, 2008

Family Research Council and Focus on the Family Hammer Obama on Abortion On Tuesday, October 14, the Family Research Council announced that is FRC Action PAC would be running $100,000 worth of radio and television advertisements in battleground states attacking Senator Barack Obama’s position on abortion. The ad is “aimed at educating voters on … Obama’s promise to make the radical ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ his top priority as president,” an FRC Ac…

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