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Now That ‘Serial’ is Over: 2014’s Best Podcasts about Religion

Idle times are upon us. Traffic jams, holiday commutes, and New Year’s resolution jogs were once the stuff of nightmares, but fear not: there exists a medium so captivating, so perfectly tailored distract us during mundane tasks, that you just might stave off holiday depression. I’m talking about podcasts! Podcasts are digital audio files that can be streamed on the web or downloaded straight to your smartphone (think radio meets YouTube). Low ov…

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“Lyin’ Ted’s” Non-Endorsement: When Coherence Becomes a Vice

Last night, Ted Cruz preached a message of conscience and principled conservatism to the Republican National Convention. He was met with an almost deafening chorus of boos and jeers. In another election cycle, Cruz’s call to conscience receiving only disdain from a gathering of Republican delegates might seem more shocking, but there’s little left to scandalize after the horrors of this campaign year. Still, it’s worth pointing out how clearly la…

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Podcast: Rabbi David Saperstein on Authentic Religion

Rabbi David Saperstein talks about the connections between holiness and social justice, healing the world, and authentic religion. In this fifth episode of Progressive Religious Voices, Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, speaks powerfully about the need to rekindle the prophetic tradition in Judaism that evokes a vision of human beings as partners with G-d in creating a better world. Here’s a short…

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But What About the Parents? New York Times Falls Into the Anti-Trans ‘Parents’ Rights’ Trap

What do you call parents who side with the ADF, a right-wing legal advocacy group, against their own transgender teens? “Bigots” would be one valid response. So of course The New York Times recently published an article deeply sympathetic to the parents in question, playing up tropes associated with the anti-trans Right and so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) in what members of the trans community and allies have long since rec…

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Democratic Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Makes Faith 101 Misstep

Elizabeth Warren was on CNN the other day, and did a crackerjack job expressing how her faith and politics fit together. Meanwhile, South Bend Indiana mayor, first openly gay candidate running in a major party’s primary, and general whiz-kid Pete Buttigieg was on The View, doing…not so well. Let’s get a couple of quick points out of the way before we get down to the central issue. First, towa…

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Unbeknownst to Richard Dawkins the Feminist Revolution in Islam Has Already Begun

The revolution for women’s rights and equality within Islam began long ago. And it was initiated and is perpetuated by Muslim women themselves. Despite this, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently tweeted: He followed this proclamation with the quotation of multiple verses from Islamic texts related to women garnering the ire of many Muslims, especially man…

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Amazing Grace: Obama Hits a Blue Note in Charleston

If Sunday morning at 11 o’clock is Christian America’s most segregated hour, then “Amazing Grace” might be its most segregated song. To be sure, it is one of very few pieces of music instantly recognized all over the United States, by people of all races and even of different faiths. Sing the first few words in a public place and you can be sure someone around you will join in. You may even find youself leading a spontaneous choir. The same might…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

Last night, as news of the shootings in San Bernardino was being digested, the Twitterverse erupted in debate over the proper response. Some commentators—most notably Igor Volsky of the liberal think tank ThinkProgress—pointed out the hypocrisy of politicians calling for #thoughtsandprayers while accepting stacks of cash from the NRA and other gun advocates. The nearly 1:1 correspondence there is truly sickening.…

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Praying Upon a Star: Michael Jackson Spectacle Highlights Online Rituals

The King of Pop is dead, or is he? On June 25, we witnessed the physical demise of Michael Jackson, but the resurgence in media attention has brought new life to this cultural icon. In these mediated days, the stories of deceased stars not only live but are recycled and amplified via multiple off- and online media. Seemingly infinite reflections upon the life of “the man in the mirror” continue to seize our attention. Headlines in major print new…

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Gay Marriage to End “Culture Wars”?

Most Americans wouldn’t recognize Dr. Donald Wildmon if they bumped into him at a Tupelo, Mississippi supermarket. In conservative Christian evangelical circles, however, when Wildmon talks, people listen. Last week, the founder of the American Family Association, was talking about what he’s been talking about for more than three decades; “homosexuals” and the “culture wars”—only this time he said something startling. The “culture wars” will be i…

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