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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

Perhaps one of the strangest instances of fake news that proliferated in the final months of the 2016 election was the conspiracy known as “Pizzagate.” Supposedly, a D.C. restaurant housed a pedophilia ring involving members of the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta’s emails—released by WikiLeaks, and probably hacked by Russia—revealed phrases like “cheese pizza” and other code words for child se…

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How Merle Haggard Saved My Soul

I raised a glass of George Dickel in honor of Merle Haggard the other night. The country legend, who died last week on his 79th birthday, was an enthusiastic endorser of this brand of Kentucky bourbon, you see, until they sold out to a corporate conglomerate. It was an appropriate match. True, the drink is smooth on the surface, where Haggard was gritty, but underneath, the man and his drink share strength and fire. You don’t water down the good…

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Why Won’t the President Say “Islamic Terrorists?”

Donald Trump has tried to make much about why President Obama won’t use the phrase “Islamic terrorism”: Although the President and I have not discussed the reasons, I can think of several good ones, at least one of which I’d like to address here. While the meaning of the term terrorism is subject to debate, let’s take for a moment the basic definition of terrorism as a strategy meant t…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

The results of an online survey published in the latest issue of Skeptic Magazine show that atheists in America fear paying a high social price in coming out as a non-believer. “The Stigma of Being an Atheist: An Empirical Study on the New Atheist Movement and its Consequences,” written by Tom Arcaro, was based on the results of 8,200 people who identify as atheists or non-believers in God. The survey, “Coming Out as an Atheist,” was posted live…

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Lesbian Panic Reaches Apogee With Kagan Rumors

Some decades after the Episcopal church ordained its first openly lesbian priest and, indeed, first openly homosexual priest of either sex (Ellen Barrett in 1977), it is quite clear that whatever we call it—LGBT or LGBTQIA or lesbians and gays or queers, sexual orientation or sexual preference—religion and sexuality have not kissed and made up. Oh no. No, they have not. Indeed, the fear of lesbians parodied in Sue Fink’s 1977 song “Leaping” seems…

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Parkland Activists Don’t Care What You Think And They’re Not Interested in the Faith Wars

It’s been interesting to wake up this morning and discover that the #NEVERAGAIN kids have rattled everyone from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to the National Review‘s Charles W. Cooke, to Marco Rubio, who whined: As fun as it would be to make fun of Rubio’s idea of a “Judea-Christian heritage” (please do!), or to point out that there’s no such thing as the Judeo-Christian heritage, we have…

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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

Hamas’ October 7 attack was monstrous. Hundreds killed at a music festival along with hundreds more in their homes or on the streets. Women and children butchered on a kibbutz in the south. In response Israel launched a massive aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, cutting off food, water and electricity to the region. The rhetoric coming out of the Israeli government has raised fears of genocide, with 2.3 million civilians trapped in a tiny stri…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

“Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub, you’d be boiled to death before you knew it.” This inner monologue from Offred, the protagonist of Hulu’s adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale, is a warning that echoes in our time. When Margaret Atwood published the dystopian novel in 1985, she said there was nothing in the book that hadn’t already happened. What makes the story so eerie to read now is that sense of recognition, of c…

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Prosperity Gospel and Foreclosure

A headline caught my eye this morning: “Indiana’s Largest Megachurch Faces New Foreclosure Proceedings.” It made me think of Steve Munsey, an Indiana prosperity preacher I watched in a Decatur, Georgia television studio in 2007, pleading for audience members and viewers to give their money to the Trinity Broadcasting Network. As it turns out, the story is about Munsey’s church, Family Christian Center, which claims to have a weekly attendance of…

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Bart Stupak’s Demand: What It Would Mean

Democrats for Life is claiming that it now has the votes of 43 House Democrats against the House health care reform bill, unless it adopts the provisions it seeks barring the use of federal funds for abortion. “[A]t last count, we have … commitments from about 43 members who said they would support Stupak and basically bring down the health care bill unless his amendment is offered,” DFL executive director Kristen Day told the conservative site C…

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