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Pope and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Declare Shared View of Marriage & Family; Government & Muslim Officials Ramp Up Anti-LGBT Rhetoric in Indonesia; Australian Religious Leaders Ask Parliament to Act on Marriage Equality; Global LGBT Recap

Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba last Friday, the first meeting between the heads of the two churches since 1054, and they declared, “we are not competitors, but brothers.” The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reports on a joint declaration on marriage they signed. “The family is based on marriage, an act of freely given and faithful love between a man and a woman,” it reads. “It is love that seals their union and t…

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How Should Mormons Respond to Leader’s Anti-Gay Comments?

Laura Compton is a member of the LDS Church, a mother of two young children, and the voice of Mormons for Marriage, a grassroots group of Mormons supportive of LGBT equality organized during the Proposition 8 campaign. She lives in Northern California. How are Mormons who support marriage equality responding to Elder Boyd K. Packer’s recent General Conference talk on homosexuality? Many people responded with sadness, anger or resignation that it’…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

This week, Utah and Idaho delivered Bernie’s largest margin of victories in the Democratic primaries since Vermont—with both giving him nearly 80 percent of the vote. The record turnouts in many Mormon-dominated precincts shocked onlookers and bewildered volunteer organizers, who continuously rushed to print more ballots after running out several times. In Utah, voting lines stretched around several city blocks, districts that were used to double…

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It Is About the Hijab: Wheaton College and the Narrowing Criteria for Evangelical Belonging

Larycia Hawkins, a tenured political science professor at the evangelical stalwart Wheaton College, was placed on administrative leave this past week after donning a hijab to express solidarity with Muslims and publicly claiming that Muslims worship the “same God” as Christians. Wheaton has maintained that the decision to place Hawkins on leave has nothing to do with her wearing of the headscarf. Dr. Philip Ryken, the college’s president, said in…

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Pelosi Attacker’s New Age Spirituality and Belief in QAnon is no Contradiction

Around 3 a.m. on October 28, David DePape attacked Paul Pelosi, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s husband, with a hammer. During the attack, DePape yelled “Where’s Nancy?” raising concerns that his true intent was political assassination of the second-in-line to the presidency. The potential political motive for this brutal act led to questions about who DePape is and what he believes in, with early reports focusing on his “strange descent” and…

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‘Restart the Economy’ is a Prayer to a Conservative God Who Demands Human Sacrifice

According to classic interpretations of the Jewish and Christian Bibles, a Canaanite deity named Moloch demanded the sacrifice of children. There is a long history of writing about this bloodthirsty god spanning the ancient world to John Milton’s Paradise Lost to Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” to modern social commentators. One recurring point is that the depravity of Moloch was reflected in his insatiable lust for innocent flesh. How could anyone worsh…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

I have recently fallen victim to a new mental illness: Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder (PAEDD). Don’t try to look for it in the DSM-IV; that book is full of imaginary pathologies. This one is real. My symptoms include hissing at cars, wishing I were twelve feet tall and blue, feeling a painfully nostalgic yearning to “return” to the magical world of Pandora depicted in James Cameron’s latest film Avatar, and simply wanting to die as I…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

In the era of WikiLeaks, the recent “Mormon Leaks” videos of the Church hierarchy being briefed come across as spectacularly boring—like an endless business meeting, complete with lackluster PowerPoints and stultifying statistics. Yet, these dull discussions of otherwise vital and riveting topics, like same-sex marriage, the economy, and science and morality, become fascinating when viewed from the perspective of Mormon history. They portend the…

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Eddie Long Takes Break from New Birth Pulpit

Scandal-ridden Bishop Eddie Long has temporarily stepped down from the pulpit of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church to take care of “family issues” — his wife Vanessa’s filing for divorce from the troubled prosperity preacher. After some confusion in the press about whether First Lady Long had withrdrawn the divorce request, her lawyer confirmed the filing of divorce papers, and said that any further statements, if any, would come from her lawye…

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Margaret Cho: God Bless You, F***ing F***ers 

So. Margaret Cho has a blog. If you picture the discussion of religion in the public square, really try to imagine a square, and people gathered around talking, well…what’s happening on Cho’s blog is sort of like a bunch of people hurling…er…manure. But I mean that in a sort of amused way, not in a tut-tut kind of way. It’s just a funny image. Here at RD we are trying to project some kind of earnestness. In the public square we are the ones weari…

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