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Reactions to Biden’s Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism’s Anti-Asian Side

Two weeks after the historic Capitol riots, Joe Biden’s inauguration finally removed Donald Trump from office. For Asian Americans like myself, subject this past year to a torrent of physical and verbal abuse, the sight of Biden’s Korean-American secret service agent seemed to augur change. Perhaps we might begin to rest secure in our status as “real” Americans, emblematized in a highly visible member of Biden’s security team. Those paying attent…

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Obama Foes Misrepresent Islam with “Apostate” Tactic

Suggestions that presidential candidate Barack Obama was a Muslim seemed to have subsided when his controversial pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, walked onto the stage. But even as Obama defended his Christian faith, and his choice of churches, speculation about his connection to Islam continues online as well as within the mainstream press, including an Op-Ed entitled “President Apostate” in the New York Times (May 12, 2008) by the military str…

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Yes, It Can Be Hard to Be an Atheist in America; Now We Have the Data

Are the nonreligious a marginalized group in America? When I brought this question up to a friend who lives in New York the other day, he was skeptical. Practically everyone he knows is an atheist, he says, as if this were the most natural thing in the world. As someone who grew up in central Indiana and Colorado Springs, where I was sent to evangelical schools, his attitude both bemused and concerned me. The disconnect just serves to illustrate…

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But What Did We Learn? Hate-Watching the First Clinton/Trump Debate

I was so sure that there would be nothing new to see in tonight’s debate, that I hadn’t intended to watch it at all. It seemed unlikely that I’d learn anything new about either candidate’s positions, and the inevitable rage-out hardly seemed worth it. But then I agreed to write a response, which meant finding a way to engage with something I was pretty sure would be a predictably unhelpful exercise in political theater. What’s a disenchanted vote…

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Searching for Sex, Life and Abortion on Catholic Google

Last week a new search engine was launched just for Catholics, aptly named “Catholic Google.” Powered by but not affiliated with, its tag line reads “The best way for good Catholics to surf the web.” Using “safe search” technology, gives weight to “Catholic” websites and avoids “unsavory content.” So, here is what came up on a few searches I tried… When I searched for “contraception,” a few conservative articles came…

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“Japan Gave Us Pokemon, God Gave Them an Earthquake”

The devastating 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan is an opportunity to see catastrophe theology in action. Rather than wait for Pat Robertson-style pronouncements that the earthquake is about evil, homosexuality, or Buddha, I went to Twitter and the internet to see what people are saying about God and the earthquake. The bulk of the tweets are about God helping the Japanese, and prayer for the Japanese, but a number of the tweets are weighing in abou…

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Putin’s Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe — And There’s Reason to Believe it’ll Go Mainstream

It starts with a tweet: And it is, of course, not simply that. Shortly before, in support of Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin appointing a “chief exorcist” against Satanism, he said: “Can you think of anybody, in the world, that a church leader has said—that man is anointed by God to oppose and make war against the antiChrist?” Now, Rick Wiles is a known enti…

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Obama Foe Wants His MTV

Back in the Spring of 2006, Colin Hanna was deeply involved in helping the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN)—a project of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., his 501(c)(4) West Chester, Pennsylvania-based non-profit organization—get conservative evangelicals to the polls in support of Rick Santorum, the then-incumbent and now former Republican Senator from Pennsylvania. These days—at least for a stitch in time—he’s marching to a different drummer, setting h…

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What’s Wrong with Taming the Tongue? ‘Gossip’ and the Limits of Evangelical Abuse Prevention Efforts

As has become increasingly clear to outside observers in recent years, conservative evangelicals don’t exactly have a stellar record when it comes to addressing sexual misconduct and various forms of abuse in their institutions. When the #ChurchToo movement emerged in 2018, and Jules Woodson spoke out about being sexually assaulted as a teenager by her then youth pastor, Andy Savage, Savage tried to get ahead of the story by admitting to a “sexua…

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Islam is as American as…

In Monday’s New York Times, I wrote a fairly innocuous sentence that was upsetting to some: “Islam is as American as the rodeo.” The comments I received would not surprise anyone who writes about religion (among the printable: “Why don’t you go see ‘American Sniper’ and model yourself after a man who understood the reality of radical and not-so-radical Islam…”), but they did provide a window into the violent notions underlying the rising tide of…

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