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The Same Toxic Christian Right Theology Supports Both the Online Bullying I Experienced and the Cruel Anti-Trans Policy in TX — And it’s Not Remotely Fringe

In late February, I went through an episode of online bullying that made me feel more dehumanized than I ever had since coming out as a transgender woman, leading to several days of heightened depressive symptoms and low productivity. The suffering this bullying caused me undoubtedly pales in comparison to what families with trans children who are currently under attack in Texas are going through since Governor Greg Abbott ordered child welfare a…

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Student Expelled from Sorority for Transphobia Illustrates the Problem with Evangelical Understanding of Pluralism

A prominent theologian, an angry conservative undergraduate, and the leadership of a sorority set out to define an ethical relationship to pluralism. Oddly enough, the only punchline here is that this isn’t the set-up for a joke. Instead, this is contemporary America, and only the sorority, Alpha Phi International Women’s Fraternity and its Delta Tau chapter at Louisiana State University, got it right. Emily Hines, the undergraduate in question,…

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News Flash: Christian Supporters of Kenosha Killer are Christians

With white evangelicals, America’s most pro-Trump demographic, currently in the news for sex scandals, committing violence, and defending violence, we once again find the meaning of Christianity being debated in the public sphere. The Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo is under fire, as it should be, for hosting a campaign to raise money for the legal defense of Kenosha, Wisconsin killer Kyle Rittenhouse after the seventeen-year-old domestic…

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The “Marginalization” of Tim Keller: When Anything Short of Adulation Is Oppression

“Marginalized” was the word Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt used to describe the treatment of NYC celebrity pastor Tim Keller after Princeton Theological Seminary rescinded his Abraham Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Witness this week. The decision to not give Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church founder and prolific church planter, the award came after an outcry from many PTS students, faculty and alu…

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Christian Health Sharing Ministries Aren’t All Corrupt — But Here’s Why They Are a Problem

In my previous column here at RD, I used historical retrospective and my personal memories of the 1990s era Christian opposition to “Hillarycare” to contextualize the colossal failure of Sharity, a major Christian health sharing ministry (CHSM) that’s currently in the process of being liquidated, leaving some 10,000 families in the lurch with some $300 million of unpaid medical claims. My primary goal was to explore the cultural reasons that many…

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Shocked…Totally Shocked: Anti-Gay Crusader Caught with Male Prostitute

Call me a cynic, but whenever I hear of someone, or see someone, who is virulently anti-gay, I suspect they are probably, secretly, getting some same-sex action on the down low. Usually, my suspicions are not far off the mark. Take today’s news as an example. Leading anti-gay activist Dr. George A. Rekers, who sits on the board of the “ex-gay” outfit the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), and is a founder of the…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

On Friday, August 7, the Department of Homeland Security announced to state and local authorities that an uptick in violent online chatter about the Big Lie of “election fraud” might lead to more anti-democratic street violence like what the United States experienced on January 6. As if on cue, violent clashes between white supremacists and Christian nationalists on one side, and anti-fascist protestors on the other, broke out that very day and t…

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Inspired by the Anti-Abortion Movement and QAnon, Anti-Trans Rhetoric is a Blatant Call for Violence

They care for trans children and teenagers—and they’re getting death threats. On August 30th, Boston Children’s Hospital was shut down due to a bomb threat, and shut down a second time on September 9th, the latest in a series of threats against the facility and those who work there. What the staff at Boston Children’s Hospital have had to endure simply to do their jobs isn’t an anomaly in the US; many healthcare facilities that provide best-pract…

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Religious Right Targets Obama Picks, Daschle and Holder

Religious Right Targets Daschle and Holder In 2002, American Renewal, a political action committee affiliated with Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council, placed advertisement in South Dakota newspapers comparing then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. According to Americans United’s Church & State magazine, “The ad place[d] photos of Daschle and Hussein side by side and ask[ed], ‘What do Saddam Hussein a…

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Getting Porn Users Plugged Into Church

That’s the, erm, rising idea of two evangelical ministries: Two churches – one with a technological edge and another you may call a porn outreach expert – have partnered to help online users searching for porn find a community of support instead. and are hosting beginning Sunday to provide those with a pornography addiction a non-threatening and anonymous environment to deal with the challenge. Okay, s…

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