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How a Catholic-Majority SCOTUS Fulfilled an Evangelical Dream

If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court (and do not doubt that he will be), the country’s highest court will remain, as it has been for over a decade, a majority Catholic institution. It will also mean that, depending on how we count Neil Gorsuch (more on that in a second), there hasn’t been a single Protestant on the Court since the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens in 2010. Every justice has been and will continue to be…

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Channeling T.S. Eliot, Ross Douthat Fears The Loss of Taboo

Douthat’s New York Times column, “Not Even in South Park?” criticizes Comedy Central for backing down when South Park came under some attack by a couple guys who operate a marginal web site called There are some interesting dimensions to this topic but in short Arsalan Iftikhar at said it best when, echoing RD’s Hussein Rashid, he concluded: Sadly, instead of dealing with the real cases of racism, bigotry and xenopho…

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Same-Sex Marriage Showdown in California

To the apparent disgust and delight of many national religious right leaders, November’s election in California will be about more than the presidency; it will be a showdown of epic proportions over same-sex marriage. And while this year’s battle isn’t as widespread as 2004 (when the Karl Rove-engineered anti-same-sex marriage ballot initiatives were victorious in more than a dozen states and may have helped carry President George W. Bush to a se…

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By the Way: Richard Land Must Go

Now we have a chance to see what the religious right is made of—if it truly stands for ethics and values, as its leaders profess, or whether its leaders can continue to engage in gutter politics and get away with it. According to a report in, Richard Land, during a visit to Criswell College at the end of January, referred to Democratic Senator Charles Schumer as “the schmuck from New York.” Land, one of the most prominent leaders…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

U.S. stock markets continue to reel from a recent hoax in which the Dow dropped 145 points in a matter of two minutes in response to a single fake tweet. The AP’s Twitter account was hacked by a group calling itself the Syrian Electronic Army, which posted that there had been two explosions in the White House and that President Obama had been injured. Shortly thereafter, the AP tweeted that it had been hacked and press secretary Jay Carney quickl…

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Ever since the radical right launched its offensive against the lives of gay and lesbian people, their meme has always been that gay and lesbian people are inherently unable to form long lasting relationships. Instead, gays and lesbians are hard wired for promiscuity and fleeting relationships based solely upon lust and sex. The fight for marriage equality for same-sex couples has put the final nail in that meme’s coffin as couples who have been…

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6 Overlooked Takeaways From a Reviewer of Controversial Texas Textbooks

In September 2014, I found myself standing before a mostly hostile Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) testifying about religious imbalance and inaccuracies in public school textbooks under consideration for adoption. To my great surprise, I also found myself quoted in Politico, the Washington Post, and several Texas newspapers. Al Jazeera America sought me out for an on-camera interview. For a religious studies scholar more at home in the clas…

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The Battle for the Meaning of Religious Freedom Day

There’s an oxymoron embedded in one of the model bills in the Christian right’s state legislative campaign called Project Blitz. Their model resolution for Religious Freedom Day celebrates a day devoted to something they oppose: religious freedom. Yes, the authors mouth many of the right things, including boilerplate platitudes and cherrypicked historical artifacts as recommended by Project Blitz. But what’s omitted illuminates the intentions of…

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Proposition 8—the Rematch?

Proposition 8—The Rematch “We can—and we will—overturn Prop. 8 to win back marriage equality,” says a statement on the Web site of Equality California. “It will take hard work, extensive engagement of all communities, outreach to people who voted yes, research to determine the best upcoming election and exact ballot language, and significant funding.” “The question is not if this will be back on the ballot. The question is when this will be back…

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The Right is Deeply Divided Over Support for Israel — Though It’s Not About Justice for Palestinians

On October 7, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, which included the horrific murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians. In response, Israel launched an unprecedented wave of deadly bombardment across the Gaza Strip, murdering thousands of Palestinian civilians, denying food, water and electricity to residents of the besieged enclave in an act of brutal collective punishment, and causing a mass displacement of…

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