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The ‘Fake Christian’ Deflection and Contrarian Concern Trolling: How Not to Write about Evangelical Authoritarianism

Over the last couple of weeks, America’s conservative, mostly white evangelicals have once again generated considerable buzz—and deserved criticism—over their authoritarian attitudes and behaviors. For example, as Christian nationalism has featured prominently at rallies against mask mandates and the Covid vaccine around the country, evangelicals’ embrace of fascist street brawlers has caught observers’ eyes. In addition, with the withdrawal of A…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

OutRight Action International has published quotes from speakers at the meeting of the LGBTI Core Group during the recent United Nations General Assembly. The LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey held its annual conference in Podgorica, Montenegro on September 20-23. AP reported that police provided protection for “an LGBT pride event” in a country “noted for its macho culture.” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported th…

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Teen Births Rise; Can Faith-Based Leaders Help?

This week, the National Center for Health Statistics announced that after a 14-year steady decline in teen birth rates, the US has experienced a sharp rise in the birth rate among 15- to 19-year-olds. From 1991 to 2005, the rate plummeted 34%; between 2005 and 2006 it rose 3%. The increase was greatest among black teens. Their birth rate rose 5%. Of course advocates and experts on both sides of the sexual and reproductive rights divide claimed th…

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The Double Life of the War Criminal

“Can you believe that this is the same man?” the BBC newsman asks. The newsman is talking about former Serbian president Radovan Karadzic. Karadzic had just been captured after spending thirteen years on the international most-wanted list for his role in genocide and ethnic cleansing during the Balkan wars. As it turns out Karadzic had been hiding in plain view in Belgrade as “Dr. Dragan Dabic,” an alternative healer and therapist who wrote frequ…

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Phelps’ Vile Words Test First Amendment

What can I say? I’m a tourist for these kinds of places. Before attending Ted Haggard’s church in Colorado Springs on Sunday, I visited the home of Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church last week in Topeka, Kansas last week. By the way, it’s been described by the media as a compound. It’s actually a city block of fenced-in homes in a rather nice residential neighborhood with lovely landscaping. It’s so nice that at first, I figured I was at…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

“Ferguson has always been burning.” That is how the Reverend Ben McBride of PICO California began his talk on the first day of the Bay Area Congregational Cohort’s “Ferguson Lab” in August. For the three-day event, clergy, congregants and activists from across California had gathered in Missouri to learn what it meant to be a witness to social injustice— and how to reimagine divine justice. As I sat in a frigid hotel conference room in Bridgeton,…

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The Theology Behind Alabama Official’s Demand to Flout SCOTUS reports that Win Johnson, the director of the legal staff of the Administrative Office of Courts in Alabama, which operates the state’s judiciary headed by Chief Justice Roy Moore, has written a letter to public officials calling upon them “to stand against the ravages of a superior authority that would go beyond its rightful power and force upon the people something evil.” He is referring, of course, to the United States Supreme Court’s d…

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Maddow Confronts Author of Ugandan “Kill the Gays” Bill

I almost feel sorry for David Bahati. Almost. The Ugandan Parliament member appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show this week to defend his “kill the gays” bill. Maddow set up the segment by recounting America’s long slide down the slippery slope of anti-gay rhetoric pushed by such religious right figures as Anita Bryant and Jerry Falwell. The thrust of the argument made against gays and lesbians in this country is that “they do not reproduce, so they…

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Praying for a Christian Nation on the Fourth

I hate going to church over July 4 weekend. The sad irony is that I was installed as the associate pastor of my current church in Columbia, South Carolina over a July 4 weekend, so it’s hard for me to schedule myself off as the congregation likes to celebrate the anniversary. I didn’t always hate Independence Day weekends at church. I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a small Georgia town that displayed both a Christian flag and an American…

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Anti-Gay Crusader Still Not ‘Out’

I really feel sorry for George Rekers. After giving in to the initial euphoria of schadenfreude after reading about his European vacation with a male prostitute from the web site, it has sunk in for me just how sad Rekers’ situation really is. Rekers has resigned from his position on the board of the ex-gay group NARTH—the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, ostensibly, as the Washington Times reports to ha…

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