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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…wish, support for immigrants as facilitating “white genocide.” In the U.S. today, the logics of settler-colonial white supremacy continue to have the most severe effects on those who are dominantly understood to be racially non-white. While white supremacists often do not consider white Jews to be white, their opinions are not dominant in the U.S. Likewise, historians such as Hasia Diner and David S. Koffman have documented the opportunities that…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…summary or arbitrary executions.” More from OutRight Action International: Today [November 18], the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has voted to maintain language on sexual orientation and, gender identity (SOGI) in resolution A/C.3/71/L.38, on ‘Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions’. The resolution, which is introduced biennially in the Third Committee, urges States to protect the right to life of all people…

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A History of Prophetic Black Preaching That Doesn’t Start or End With Dr. King

…y is a message that hopes to reconfigure the facts: clergy leaders working today are all johnny-come-latelies to a venerable tradition traceable to the message of the Hebrew prophets. We preachers who have come of age in the 21st century stand on tall shoulders and drink from cisterns and wells we did not dig. I, just as King, am a progenitor of a distinctive prophetic preaching tradition born from struggle, one that carries a justice-seeking and…

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The World is (Always) About to End, No Zombies Required

…ter taught an entire generation of kids (the ones who sit in my classrooms today) about the importance of loyalty, friendship, and studying for exams. The book of Revelation—or any other apocalyptic text—is not a handbook to how the end times will unfold, but that does not mean apocalyptic literature does not matter. The end of the world is simultaneously always and never here. Type “mark of the Beast” into Google: just recently a man in West Virg…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…d only truly became famous in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and is known today as one of the most influential Catholic theologians with regards to evolution in the second half of the 20thcentury. To chart this influence, one need only note Teilhard’s citations by the three most recent Popes. In 2003, Pope Saint John Paul II echoed Teilhard’s vision of a cosmic Eucharist in the encyclical Ecclesia Eucharista: Because even when it is celebrated on…

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Hacking the Vatican

…ement on the group’s Italian-language website declared, “Anonymous decided today to besiege your site in response to the doctrine, to the liturgies, to the absurd and anachronistic concepts that your for-profit organization spreads around the world.” The statement alluded to the burning of heretics, the repression of Galileo, the genocide of Native Americans, aiding Nazi fugitives, and the more recent sexual abuse scandal. Anonymous members attemp…

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Solidarity Through Veiling? Backlash Has Been “Personal, Fierce and Vile…”

…ent in a country like Egypt was rare and a far cry from the pandemic it is today with a <90% hijab rate among Muslims. People who know women from these cultures today understand the tremendous pressure all Muslim women can be under to veil. The pressure can be so severe that one does have to problematize notions of “choice” in some contexts. – In view of this last point: something happened to change these societies. Leila Ahmed’s A Quiet Revolutio…

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Ummah: Solitude and Connection

…tion to Allah. I also like the way he refers to our Prophet Muhammad. I think, the problem we used to have with being referred to as Mohammedans was only to clarify that we do not worship the Prophet. Because, in a way, what links us to other Muslims today is not just tawhid as much as it is that we follow the way of Muhammad. We are the ummah of Muhammad. According to the Qur’an, he will be a witness for us. And this makes me think, who is this P…

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Jesus, Gentrification, and the Hypocrisy of “Diversity”: An Interview with D.L. Mayfield

…ege, and have written for mainstream Christian magazines like Christianity Today and Relevant. How would you describe your current relationship with evangelical Christianity, and how have these experiences living and working with refugees shaped that relationship? In some ways evangelicalism is just is a part of me, and I am comfortable using the insider language and in certain ways find it comforting to be around people who understand me in that…

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I Owe, Therefore I Am: Why Struggling Against the Banks is a Holy Obligation

…. Potter from It’s a Wonderful Life—look positively angelic in relation to today’s big boys at Citi and Chase and Bank of America. At least Mr. Potter wanted his loans to be repaid. But in the new lending environment where there’s no limit on interest, today’s bankers would actually rather that borrowers don’t pay. They can collect far more in interest, not to mention in penalties and fees, from delinquent loans than from loans that are repaid. Ge…

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