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What Does Proper Christian Womanhood Have to do with the Ray Rice Story?

…ions, developing a theory of “family values” that often fails in practice. Today, we can point to anything from the Catholic Church’s continued refusal to ordain women, to one of the nation’s most popular pastors calling us a “pussified nation,” to fierce national debates over abortion and birth control whose implicit terms are the assertion of control over women’s bodies. Though our jurisprudence is today unlikely to cite men’s divine responsibil…

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Netanyahu’s (Republican) Esther Moment

…cent of them have a favorable view of Netanyahu, according to Pew poll out today, and conducted during the escalating controversy over the prime minister’s speech. Meanwhile, 53 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of the Israeli leader, reflecting, as the Pew report explains, divides that are religious as well as partisan: “Among religious groups, white evangelical Protestants have the most favorable impressions of Netanyahu (50% favorabl…

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Supreme Court Rules Sectarian Legislative Prayer Constitutional

…ting that “[n]one of the history Marsh cited—and none the majority details today—supports calling on citizens to pray, in a manner consonant with only a single religion’s beliefs, at a participatory public proceeding, having both legislative and adjudicatory components.” Unlike a state legislative session, town board meetings “both by design and in operation, allow citizens to actively participate in the Town’s governance—sharing concerns, airing…

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What’s Wrong with Taming the Tongue? ‘Gossip’ and the Limits of Evangelical Abuse Prevention Efforts

…ation of its “no-gossip” policy. In fairness to Shellnutt and Christianity Today, highlighting this incident as an abuse of evangelical opposition to “gossip” is a good thing. In addition, Christianity Today should be acknowledged for calling for evangelicals to take accusations of sexual abuse seriously, when the magazine’s editors are highly aware that much of their readership will be inclined to dismiss rather than believe victims. That being s…

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Embryo Men — Decades of Conspiracy, Christian Nationalism, and Fear Led Us to The End of Roe v. Wade

…fluence. This response has culminated in the position we find ourselves in today. We’ve ignored and mocked, while they’ve gathered momentum and built a contemporary movement held together by conspiracy, moral panics, and fear. The “groomer” panic we see today is a culmination of decades of adherence to conspiracy theories, that hold that women and feminists, are the ultimate weapon of the “great replacement” of white people. The seduction of sexua…

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Nikki Haley’s Slavery Omission Typifies the GOP’s Tragic Pact with White Supremacy

…ubtler way, in that of another prominent figure of South Carolina politics today—Nikki Haley. When Haley suggested that the Civil War was about “economic freedom”—using “States’ Rights” rhetoric—she was only the latest in a long line of Republican politicians, from Goldwater to Nixon to Ronald Reagan himself—to use pseudo-libertarian, ahistorical rhetoric to pander to voters animated by racial grievances. The Republican Party’s path is historian H…

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Evangelical Pastor Argues for Full LGBT Inclusion: “I Think It’s Inevitable”

…can’t be applied to the loving, committed gay and lesbian relationships of today. Then you turn to Paul’s letter to the Romans, especially chapters 14 and 15, to propose a way to live together in a “third way” and make the church not just “affirming” of LGBT people, but fully inclusive. I just assumed there was a well-acknowledged category of “disputable matters” (like those found in Romans 14 and 15). I grew up in the Jesus Freak movement of the…

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Is ‘Western Self-Hatred’ the Problem in the Gaza War Protest Movement? 

…ng power embodying that “carceral state” I think many of the same Jews who today deplore the protesters would be with them. Think of significant Jewish opposition to China’s treatment of the Uyghurs or Jewish support for civil rights and the boycott of apartheid South Africa in the 1980s. So, yes, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement is the latest symbol of the Left’s ongoing critique of the West, in the tradition of its support for abolition, wome…

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Francis Now and Then: The Ecological Politics of Saints

…cular approach to human-animal relations one that we might seek to revisit today. But this doesn’t prevent us from reading Francis as a figure who challenged the shape of political life in his time—and might still, in our own. The world he cared about was bigger, broader, and more complex than that encompassed by human society.  It’s not that we don’t need wisdom or counsel of figures like Francis, but the terrors and trials we face today are unpr…

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Anti-Contraception Activists Claim Their Suits are Last Resort to Undermine Health Care

…os, issues a statement with some truly dubious word choices and arguments: Today, the Supreme Court has upheld nothing more than a Ponzi scheme to expand the abortion business. If this legislation is not overturned by the next administration, Obamacare’s socialist-style diktats will be used, not to provide better or more affordable health care, but to expand Planned Parenthood’s abortion empire across the backs of American taxpayers and people of…

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