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Will Anti-Gay Churches Have Their Tax Exempt Status Revoked?

…ne, and activity. And, despite the vociferous objections to comparisons of today’s anti-gay efforts to segregation, it was, in fact, a fear that the IRS would crack down on racially segregated schools that mobilized the religious right in the 1970s. According to historian Randall Balmer in his book, Thy Kingdom Come, religious right leaders were far more concerned about the IRS’s revocation of the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University over its…

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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…traditionally varies according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, in order to promote tourism. Of the various policies implemented by Chinese governmental agencies in recent years two have been the greatest source of friction between the clergy and the government. The control of the number of monks and nuns in monastic institutions, and the implementation of “patriotic re-education.” Since it is largely these policies that have brought the clergy int…

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When the ‘Biblical View’ for Evangelicals Was That Life Begins at Birth

…symposium participants clarified in an accompanying issue of Christianity Today: “God does not regard the fetus as a soul, no matter how far gestation has progressed. The Law plainly exacts: ‘If a man kills any human life he will be put to death’ (Lev. 24:17). But according to Exodus 21:22–24, the destruction of the fetus is not a capital offense… Clearly, then, in contrast to the mother, the fetus is not reckoned as a soul.” A 1967 issue of the…

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Christian Nationalism Was the Loser of Tuesday’s Debate

…st night’s otherwise circus-like debate. I’ll come back to what I do mean. Today’s authoritarian GOP is the party of white Christians and those who are willing to support an extreme Christian nationalist agenda. Today’s Democratic Party has thus become the party of literally everyone else who chooses to affiliate with one of the major parties in our broken two-party system. This situation makes for a messy coalition, but it also provides Democrats…

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The Immorality of Immortality

…boredom? I wonder. Needless to say, to the extent that longevity research promotes ways to alleviate the suffering caused by debilitating diseases such as Altzheimer and Parkinson, they are all very beneficial. However, I also believe that all programs about extension of human life cannot be divorced from the deeper reflection about the purpose of human life. Such reflection seems to be missing from the transhumanist literature. One could object…

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The Elite Movement Laying the Foundation for a MAGA That Will Outlast Trump and Remake America: Inside NatCon Part I

…anti-modern flourish, to the rote and tired moral panic that characterizes today’s conservative movement. Each speaker races to outdo the next in offering the most bleak and doom-laden prognosis of the fallen era. “2020,” announces movement founder Yoram Hazony in hushed tones to begin Monday morning’s plenary, “was a watershed year in the history of the United States [and] in the history of the democratic world…a change in [the] political paradig…

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White Nationalist Ideology Shines Through at Elite MAGA Conference: Inside NatCon Part II

…similation is never complete with any group, it certainly will not be with today’s immigrants either. They will change the culture, for better or for worse, just as their predecessors have—but I would say, they will change it likely to a greater degree because the initial gap is wider.” If people from different parts of the European continent “remain different all the way up until today,” he reasons, “what about people from different continents?”…

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With Christian Schools At Risk In Israel, Crickets from American Christian Conservatives

…tained that “we are witnessing that kind of growing repression in the U.S. today and it is fostering or at least giving rise to the spread of the persecution of Christians and religious minorities around the world.” If requiring health insurance for contraception is a “massive violation” of the rights of Christians, what is starving their schools of funding? In a letter promoting Family Research Council’s first-ever tour of Israel scheduled for th…

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The World’s Most Influential Yoga Teacher is a Homophobic Right-Wing Activist

…ection, and distortion of so much that feels familiar in American culture. Today, Ramdev is both a monastic and an entrepreneur. He is a proponent of all-natural products and a Hindu nationalist. He’s a TV star. He has a following of millions. He’s getting ready to open a university and a network of schools. And in the past few years, he has emerged as a major ally of India’s ruling right-wing party. It’s no stretch to describe Ramdev as a kind of…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…tarted becoming a shtick.” In an early October interview with Christianity Today, Warren said that he hadn’t worn a Hawaiian shirt “in two years” and that he “doesn’t even own one.” Warren also said that he was tired of being labeled the new Billy Graham: “I’m very tired of it. I have said many times, there is no successor to Billy Graham… If there is any successor to Billy Graham, it’s Franklin, who has continued to do evangelism. Most media only…

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