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The Divorce Rate Is Falling. Shouldn’t That Mean the Sky Isn’t?

…han same-sex marriage will ever do.” (UPDATE: Mohler addresses the article today in his daily podcast, The Briefing.) But what if marriage, overall, isn’t on the rocks because of the so-called “divorce culture,” but is actually more stable precisely because of the very factors the Christian right frequently points to as causes of the “decline” of marriage: feminism, the broadening of reproductive rights and options, and cohabitation? Miller explai…

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Your Uterus Is “An Important Subject” About Which Your Fellow Citizens “Wish To Converse”

…other laws – especially regarding harassment – outside abortion clinics.” Today’s decision is limited to the 2007 Massachusetts law, and may not invalidate every buffer zone law currently on the books or that could be enacted in the future. The ruling leaves in place a 2000 decision upholding a Colorado law that imposed a 100 foot buffer zone outside all health care facilities, barring people from coming within eight feet of visitors to counsel t…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…es people. Whereas the Arabs were once torn apart by interminable feuding, today nearly 1 out of 4 of the world’s inhabitants are Muslim. The social glue of Muhammad’s grand experiment was zakat, an obligatory tithe of 2.5% distributed to the neediest regardless of their clannish identities. An analogy to affirmative action wouldn’t be entirely unwarranted: sometimes you have to force diversity in the hope that it becomes second nature. Before Muh…

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After Embracing Female Bishop, Pope Spins Again on Women’s Ordination

…e of one of those things being the priesthood? Pope Francis repeated again today his idea of the “feminine dimension” of the Catholic church being represented by Mary, and also said once again that Mary is “more important” to the spirituality of the church than the apostles on Pentecost. What the pope is neglecting to acknowledge, however, is that Pentecost would never have happened if Mary Magdelene hadn’t been the first witness to the resurrecti…

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One More Day until Marriage Equality vote in New York?

…emptions in the bill. Wavering Republican senators are reportedly seeking broader religious exemptions akin to those contained in New Hampshire’s marriage equality law. CNN and other news outlets have reported that the governor can extend the legislative session beyond today’s deadline and has said that he would do so. Today, a Buffalo television station reported that the marriage vote would likely take place tomorrow; it said the governor and Rep…

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Apocalypse Now and Then: Our Global Death Wish

…the strongest of human actions, often at terrible cost.    Waiting For War Today is no different. For example, within the evangelical world—which, let’s remember, includes between 30% and 40% of all Americans—there is a split between postmillennialists, who believe that Christ’s peaceful reign on Earth will follow a gradual improvement in human life, and the more familiar premillennialists, who believe that Christ will suddenly come back, destroy…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…esulted in the posture practice at the center of popularized forms of yoga today. So to even suggest, that yoga “won the West”—and that Vivekananda was the key player—is a gross simplification of modern yoga’s long, complex history. So why might someone insist on simplifying the history of modern yoga? Perhaps it’s because we crave an origins myth that romanticizes the encounter between “East” and “West” and downplays the dark sides of that histor…

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Five Things We Can Learn From Creationists

…cientific objectivity, it is a sham. The stoniest of stone-cold scientists today are still human, and the future will be laughing out loud about the absurdity of their silly certainties. In fact, that’s the beauty of science—it changes its mind. So today is a funny kind of day, when we’re all supposed to celebrate you, a scientist, for being right (at least so far). I want to sing your praises, but not violate the spirit of your legacy with worshi…

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Hobby Lobby Does Not Compel Anti-LGBT Religious Exemption, Legal Scholars Tell Obama

…olars signing today’s letter and oppose an exemption, as I reported here.) Today’s legal scholars’ letter takes issue with the legal analysis in the June 25 letter, specifically its interpretation of religious exemptions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in employment. The accommodation under Title VII permits religious employers to hire only candidates of its own faith, but it does not, as the June 25 letter…

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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

…industrial complex for their well-being, my children will not. Few parents today have seen pertussis or measles firsthand. As Eula Biss points out, it’s easier to oppose vaccines when you have no real concept of the diseases they’re intended to prevent. Similarly, few of us probably have much of a concept of what happens when, say, Neal Beagley refuses treatment for a bladder obstruction. The answer—that backed-up urine ruptures the kidneys and en…

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