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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…what is literally unbelievable. As Laderman suggests, we may be witnessing today what a politics of Republicanity grounded in the necessary absurdity of belief will look like. And it is not always a pretty picture. But it’s important to emphasize just how Christian the culture of argument currently embodied in one portion of the GOP appears to be. Or rather, just how Tertullian a portion of this emerging Republican theology has become. To make one…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…d), and the KKK unleashed verbal attacks on Catholics in the 20th century. Today, public suspicion of Catholics is less overt, but still present, and sometimes that takes the form of attacks on the pope. In addition, the current pope’s reluctance to identify too closely with culture warriors on the right has brought even more criticism making it more difficult to identify the roots of the pope’s critics. Brietbart bemoaned Francis’ failure to “fig…

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New Book on Trump and Evangelicals Gets it Mostly Right

…merge with their national counterparts until 1968 and 1983, respectively. Today’s Presbyterian Church in America emerged from pro-segregation Southern Presbyterians and only recently repented of its racist roots. A key question today might involve the degree to which a Southern ethos, complete with its implicit racism, shapes American evangelicalism. This is a good and timely book. Fea is correct that evangelicals feel a sense of cultural disenfr…

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Why Has the Critique of Hypocrisy Run Out of Steam?

…ss of pretense. Our old friend self-deception But the hypocrisy we witness today may not be so much acts of pretense and public false performance as self-deception. In Hypocrisy: Ethical Investigations, Béla Szabados and Eldon Soifer suggest that our perception of hypocrisy has shifted in modern times. If Biblical and Medieval thinkers saw hypocrisy primarily as a matter of pretense, of the difference between the inner morality and outward perform…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…n under investigation by the officials in the prime minister’s office for “promoting homosexuality” since mid-March. The organization has been trying to resolve the matter quietly, but activists in Uganda say privately the investigation could be the beginning of an ominous political turn they have long feared — that the law would work not only to destroy the lives of hundreds of LGBT individuals, but also would become a weapon used against critics…

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Fake, Evil, Spiritual, Commodified; What’s the Truth About Popular Yoga?

…uman body. Craddock sacralized sexual intercourse, which is not radical by today’s popular American standards and, in Schmidt’s words, may even seem “mundane” to the contemporary reader. However, for the mainstream turn-of-the-century American, it was antisocial heterodoxy. This demonstrates that not only was the sacralization of the body present in this early system of modern yoga, but it was also so significant to that system that martyrdom occu…

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Should We Pronounce the Religion-Science Dialogue Dead on Arrival?: A Response to Robert Tapp

…hrases are mine: • Postmodern perspectives are a two-edged sword: they can promote new kinds of dialogue, but they can also collapse into an extreme relativism that is scarcely productive. Fair enough; the danger is real. Saying that science is “just another linguistic system” plays well in humanities departments and at certain Ivy League divinity schools. But it makes about as much contact with real science as astrology does. Still, major cultura…

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Of God, But Not God: A Methodist Minister Speaks About Church’s Refusal to Open Its Doors to LGBT

…in a whole series of laws, many of which we pay absolutely no attention to today. Such as? There’s a law that says you can’t wear blends of cotton and linen, or wool and linen. Nobody rails against people wearing blends today. There were very specific reasons for those laws that no longer make sense. In order to understand the reasoning behind “no man shall lie with another man” we have to take into account the fact that at that time they didn’t u…

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Apocalypse Earth: What Would Jesus Say About the Approaching Environmental “End Times”?

…le-bound religion of his contemporaries, was a kind of teaching in itself. Today, when the Sermon on the Mount has long since left the summit for the sermon pulpit, we are apt to forget what Jesus and his disciples would have understood implicitly: that location is everything. A sermon like that, which teaches us to love our enemies and treat our neighbors as ourselves, just doesn’t make sense under any roof but the sky. But now so much has change…

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Pious White Reformers and Race, Then and Now

…Jedidiah Morse, Jeremiah Evarts, Robert Finley, and Isaac McCoy. We speak today of the fecklessness of white liberals, and I certainly am among those who have decried, in these pages and elsewhere, the special fecklessness of white Christian progressives when it comes to the hardcore issues of race and class. The difference between today’s progressives and the “benevolent” reformers of 200 years ago is that those pious reformers actually had the…

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