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What Do ‘The Christians’ Believe? Easter Reflections from a Non-Christian

…n enormous impact on neighborhoods, local politics, and church membership; today and in the future, Hispanic Catholics will make an impact on the life of the Church, ranging from an increase in bilingual services to intensified debates over undocumented immigrants. On the Protestant side, many denominations that were composed primarily of Anglo-Europeans, like Methodists in the nineteenth century, are confronting the rise of ethnic congregations s…

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First Things First: Sexual Equality Just Is

…y can expect “abortion, depression, and a string of failed relationships.” Today’s women are woody-killers because they’re just too much like men. They are assertive, thanks to education and career training. They masturbate. They are surprisingly not turned on (quo) by their partners doing dishes (quid). They are, in short, nasty. It was entirely unrealistic to expect “that the financial independence of women would have wholly positive effects on…

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“Paleo” is More Than a Fad Diet: Boyd Eaton’s Plan to Return to Eden

…of things. And when I was about to turn 40, I became interested in health promotion and disease prevention from a personal standpoint. As I read recommendations regarding health promotion and good healthy forms of living, it occurred to me that we were in fact reinventing the wheel. All these recommendations and so forth seem to be reiterations of how people were living before agriculture. And then it occurred to me that our genetics have changed…

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Should Evangelicals Smoke Pot?

…tinctly unhelpful. So to be specific, Crouch says this: We at Christianity Today believe Christians are absolutely free to use marijuana (where legalized). And, when it comes to pot in our particular cultural context, we think it would be foolish to use that freedom. For the CT editors, the moral quality of marijuana use seems to depend entirely upon the “cultural context” in which it occurs. And since our particular context is not conducive to ma…

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RDPulpit: Did Progressive Christianity Dump its Savior in Brad Braxton?

…power and influence of protestant liberalism has all but died. In America today, liberal Protestantism exists in a persistent vegetative state. Nowhere is this more evident than in the recent resignation of Dr. Brad Braxton, the now ex-pastor of Riverside Church, NYC. Dr. Braxton’s resignation, after a controversial nine months, is symptomatic of a deep theological and ethnic dilemma among progressive Christians. This dilemma, which is spelled ou…

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How Not to Oppose the National Day of Prayer

…U.S.C. § 119 from law. But this year the American Humanist Association is promoting an opposition effort that is fundamentally misguided. Rather than call for its elimination, the AHA wants the annual observance to be replaced by a new “National Day of Reason.” According to its official website, a National Day of Reason would, of course, “celebrate reason,” but it would also “raise public awareness about the persistent threat to religious liberty…

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What Fundamentalist Christian Fiction Can Teach Us About Our American Crisis

…iew of the most politically consequential demographic in the United States today. White evangelical Christians wield their disproportionate political power via their domination in the Republican Party, and 81% of them voted for Donald Trump in 2016. They remain his core group of support, standing behind him during his impeachment, and they are a key to his re-election bid in 2020. The evangelical scholar Mark Noll has criticized the lack of “serio…

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Community Organizing and Symbolic Electioneering

…uth side of Chicago, arguably as one point of light among Bush’s thousand. Today, faith-based community organizing has spread beyond large urban areas to small cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Critics charge that some faith-based community organizers are too radical. To be sure, community organizing is a confrontational activity; Alinsky intended it to be. Faith-based community organizers frequently prod local governments to address the complex c…

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Houston’s Pastor Subpoenas: A Meme Made for Fox News

…than has been reported, I think they might be successful.” Parker signaled today that she was surprised by the breadth of the subpoenas and suggested that they may be narrowed. According to the Wall Street Journal, the mayor’s spokesperson said in a statement: Mayor Parker agrees with those who are concerned about the city legal department’s subpoenas for pastor’s sermons. The subpoenas were issued by pro bono attorneys helping the city prepare fo…

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Critical Race Theory is Just the Latest Battle — ‘The Bible Told Them So: How Southern Evangelicals Fought to Preserve White Supremacy’

…al residue” of this segregationist theology across the Christian landscape today, from the evangelical rejection of identity politics to the racial exclusivity of many white churches. And of course we can also see it in the ongoing battles over race in today’s Southern Baptist Convention. After June’s SBC meeting, some outlets identified Litton and his supporters as “moderates” in contrast to Stone’s “conservative” faction. The label was a misnome…

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