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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…a lot of people about the significance of evolution and how it got us here today. More importantly, it seems to have engaged the science education community to develop ways to address the teaching of evolution more directly. Today, evolution education has gained prominence with a host of new teaching programs. Certainly in the case of Dover, teachers in the school district there were timid about teaching the subject, fearing it would offend the Ch…

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Israel at 60: Zionism’s Fatal Flaw

…nt power that its existence would be absolutely assured. Most Israeli Jews today, haunted by the same fear of powerlessness, still cannot believe in that assurance. People who are so preoccupied with their security—constantly on the alert for attackers, always fearing they might be “pushed into the sea,” feeling that their country is and must remain a psychological fortress—can hardly live a really normal life. Therefore, when judged by its own st…

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Fed. Court Rules Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

…gnition or lack thereof has no effect on the relationship under state law. Today’s ruling by the 9th Circuit also rejected the religious liberty claims, which were raised by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in an amicus brief: …the religious-liberty interest that Proposition 8 supposedly promoted was to decrease the likelihood that religious organizations would be penalized, under California’s antidiscrimination laws and other government poli…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…marriage in Homosexuality in Islam. And, of course this is a big issue in today’s news. I admit I sometimes find the marriage equality movement—and the movement for inclusion in the military—paradoxical. On the one hand, of course I want the full rights of citizenship and I am lucky enough to be living in New York! On the other hand, I think of these as two very conservative institutions that got critiqued in serious ways by progressives in my li…

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On Women’s Equality Day, Going Back to the Sacred Texts of Feminism

…story of the women’s movement and feminism to illuminate American troubles today, to recall the longer battle lines drawn amongst women’s organizations on opposing religious and political lines. This absence of feminist thought and contributions is equally evident in debate between science and religion on spiritual experiences, or the neuropsychology of religious experience. Rarely, in these discussions, does one find feminist studies of science o…

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New History Finally Recognizes Afro-Creole Spiritualists

…e men in 19th-century New Orleans, but the story it tells connects to much today. Religion, race and politics are closely intertwined in American history and culture today. This is not a new phenomenon. I often tell my students that when we talk about American religion, we’re also talking about politics. And when we talk about American politics, we’re also talking about race. Religion, politics and race are not unconnected and sitting in separate…

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Who Gets Paid to Make America Hate? The Roots of the Islamophobia Network

…more dangerous: A monied and sophisticated indifference to reality.  Islam today, science tomorrow. (No, wait; make that misrepresenting Islam and science today.)  We must keep in mind the effect this will have on our constitutional rights and freedoms.  Those who want to target the rituals and practices of a misunderstood religious community can very easily expand their target to other populations.   We’ve come too far as a country, in terms of t…

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Hicksters, Stickers, and Affection: Why I Left D.C. for the Family Farm

…llic to the young, well-educated, and the restless masses of yesterday and today. But not many of us are seek employment alongside migrant laborers because of the near constant physical pain and discomfort, regular exposure to toxic chemicals, unsafe working conditions, and economic exploitation that almost certainly ensures that independence remains a dream. Working the land not necessarily the solution to breaking free from a life of “quiet desp…

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Would Gandhi Disband Occupy?

…means that truth, insofar as any human can grasp it, is inherently fluid. Today’s fixed set of demands may easily seem like tomorrow’s folly. Gandhi’s program was especially vague in the earliest years of his work, in South Africa. To demand a detailed list of specifics from today’s Occupiers would be like making the same demand of Gandhi in the 1890s. Yet Gandhi must have known intuitively, even then, an essential truth he would later articulate…

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Proud to be [a Real] American — Lee Greenwood’s ‘God Bless the USA’ and the Politics of the ‘Apolitical’

…mes throughout his Times interview that he sees the song as apolitical and promoting American unity. However, as the interview proceeds, it becomes clear that Greenwood’s definition of unity is not the same as Herndon’s—a point Herndon, disappointingly (and with typical Times breezy affected neutrality), never addresses. The most telling moment comes when Herndon asks Greenwood what he considers the biggest threat to the United States today and Gr…

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