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The Theology That Inspired the Poway Synagogue Shooting (and New Zealand) Remains Strikingly Commonplace

…action physically to replace them as inhabitants of the holy land. But who today knows what the Canaanites and Philistines reported about such self-serving Hebrew claims? In their turn, Christians likewise see themselves as superseding Jews as the Chosen People, establishing a New Israel, allegedly justified in doing so by the genius of Christian “fulfillments” of ancient Jewish prophecies, matched only by the uncanny anticipation those Jewish pro…

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Why Zubik is Especially Important for Women of Color

…large role in the overall health disparities faced by communities of color today. Women of color have the highest rates of unintended pregnancy, abortion, and maternal mortality, all of which have taken a toll on the psychological, economic, and social vitality of these communities. Moreover, as abortion clinics across the country close due to the conservative attack on abortion rights, women of color are harmed disproportionately. Clinic closings…

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Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) and the Rise of Extreme Evangelicalism

…umber 9 in the “Top 50 Books the Have Shaped Evangelicals” by Christianity Today, alongside works by C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Francis Schaffer, and Rick Warren. Her influence is well noted in her obituary by Kate Shellnutt at Christianity Today. Through Elliot’s book, evangelicals latched on to the deaths of these five young men, and their story became a galvanizing force for keeping the faith, and perhaps for inspiration to get up and go….

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Seeking Jobs, Beach Clean Up Workers Come From All Walks of Life

…ng to save?” Kumrits asked his friend. “Man, he sounded just like we sound today.” But if you ask them what they are, they really don’t know. And they’re fine with that. They don’t know where they will be spiritually in a year, but they don’t seem very much preoccupied by it. Today, their spirituality comes from the Tao Te Ching. They are dedicated to shedding their possessions. Kumrits lives year round in a camper. The two men are constantly chal…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…and are not qualified to speak to Nigerians in the capacity they are doing today. Mexico: Marriage equality continues to spread Marriage equality continues to spread in Mexico via federal court orders, or amparos, issued on behalf of couples or groups of couples seeking to marry. The amparos instruct local authorities to issue licenses but do not generally eliminate the underlying local laws until there have been five rulings against a state. This…

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St. Paul the Pacifist: A Christian Response to Torture

…operandi of God and of God’s people in the world. Those who are in Christ today, with Paul, identify with the life-giving and reconciling cross of Christ, validated by God in the resurrection, not as an expression of a violent personality or a conviction that violence can be sacred and salutary, but in the paradoxical belief that in Christ and his cross God was nonviolently reconciling the world to himself and giving to us the ongoing task of non…

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How Mario Cuomo Made the World Safe for Pro-Choice Catholics

…g to translate Catholic doctrine into public policy, largely foreshadowing today’s debates about the rights of Christians, or any followers of a specific religion, to impose their values on others. “There is a Catholic law on birth control. There is a Catholic law on abortion. I accept the Catholic law. There is no Catholic law on what you have to do about imposing birth control on others,” Cuomo said. After O’Connor called out Ferraro for being a…

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Introducing ‘Draw Muhammad Day’

Today is Draw Muhammad Day. Created in response to two idiots who reacted to a South Park episode, the event signifies that the right to do something should be seen as a license to do something. The South Park episode focused on the failure of censorship. Comedy Central, like the two buffoons from Revolution Muslim, missed the point and focused on the non-representation of Muhammad, causing the episode to be censored. The response of the supporte…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…e lifespan was far shorter and average living conditions more squalid than today, outbreaks of plague were frequent, and death in childbirth was commonplace. In that context, it would have made no sense to say that pregnancy and childbirth were fundamentally safe, well-designed, healthy, blissful processes that if left alone would result in a healthy mother and baby. That idea wouldn’t come along until… Grantly Dick-Read and the early natural chil…

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Euro-Islam vs. “Eurabia”: Defining the Muslim Presence in Europe

…on sought to formulate a “local Islam,” compatible with Western modernity. Today, the well-institutionalized Bosnian Islamic Community has played a key role in promoting the positive image of Balkan Islam as a model for a pan-European Islam, and its leader, Mustafa Ceric, wants to establish himself as its patron. In 2006 Ceric devised and circulated a “Declaration of European Muslims”, which names Europe “the house of Peace and Security based on t…

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