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Cornel West: Do Not “Santa-Clausify” MLK Jr.

…ergy in a room and to move it to his purposes has always been exceptional; today it was sublime. He concluded his address with a litany of prominent African Americans, and what was notable was the presence of so many musicians among them: Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, BB King, Aretha Franklin, men and women all who linked the Christian gospel to a blues and jazz sensibility that understands all works of creative artistry to be dependent on timing as…

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Why #FreeBritney is an #Exvangelical Cause

…ours, recorded four albums, and performed 248 sold-out shows in Las Vegas. Today she’s worth more than $60 million. While everyone knows about Spears, few know—and even fewer discuss—the role religion has played in her life. Like Katy Perry, who was once a Contemporary Christian Music artist, Spears has deep roots in white American evangelicalism. Born and raised in the Bible Belt and surrounded by conservative evangelical Protestants, Spears grew…

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Perry’s Challenge to Bachmann for Religious Right Vote

…explored in a piece for the Daily Beast in June), particularly his role in promoting homeschooling, Lizza gives short shrift to Rushdoony, who is not only a “prominent Dominionist,” as Lizza describes him, but the founder of Christian Reconstructionism and Titus’ inspiration. And, as Julie Ingersoll has detailed on numerous occasions, “Christian Reconstructionist founder Rousas John Rushudoony is often called the father of the Christian homeschool…

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‘American Primeval’ Doesn’t Try to Get the History Right — Problem is, it Doesn’t Get Western Colonization Right, Either

…hance to explore an important lesson about democracy desperately needed in today’s moment. The Utah War commenced with President James Buchanan ordering 2,500 troops in the spring of 1857 to quell what he called a “Mormon insurrection” in Utah territory. The Latter-day Saints—led by Brigham Young, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Utah’s territorial governor—were tired of being ruled by eastern politicians who questi…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…c barrel, money rules our lives and guides our actions like no other force today. Unemployment, bailouts, national debt, foreclosures, bank regulation, layoffs, and entitlement programs—the list of economic concerns remains the same since the start of the financial crisis in 2008, but the upcoming social, cultural, and political battles over how best to deal with these concerns cuts straight to the heart of national identity—a point made dramatica…

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The Byzantine Bush Tell-All

…nd hilarious account essentially made ‘Byzantine’ mean what it means to us today. Justinian was addicted to money; Theodora was addicted to sex. It was a marriage made in hell, and in at least one place Procopius entertains the serious possibility that the emperor was a demon rather than a man. The book is a gold-mine for evidence of reigning social mores in the sixth century in the eastern Roman empire. It is often fascinating to learn what forms…

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Birtherism, Conspiracy Theories, and the “Christian Nation”

…rove, and has already been proven, unlike Ike having to prove a negative.) Today, Obama denounced “sideshows and carnival barkers,” adding, “we don’t have time for this kind of silliness.” Which is exactly why he shouldn’t have bothered caving into their ridiculous demands; within moments Joseph Farah of WND decreed the release “raises as many questions than [sic] it answers.” That sideshow, although driven in recent weeks by Donald Trump, was dri…

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Confront Death by Avoiding Fritos: The Gluten Lie, Fad Diets, & Foodie Faith

…t those kinds of things with religious and ritual significance. With diets today, there seems to be a lot of fear involved, too. It’s terrifying to live in a place where the causes of diseases like Alzheimer’s, autism, or ADHD, or the causes of weight gain, are mysterious. So what we do is come up with certain causes for the things that we fear. If we’re trying to avoid things that we fear, why would we invent a world full of toxins that don’t rea…

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Response to Daniel Philpott: the Politics of Religious Freedom

…licy circles in North America and Europe and by many academics invested in promoting religious freedom). It is, rather, an inescapably context-bound, polyvalent concept unfolding within divergent histories in differing political orders. This realization has led us to pose a number of crucial questions to those engaged in the promotion of religious freedom as a stable and singular human right. These questions, explored in detail in the PoRF volume…

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Spinning Ft. Hood

…uslims are looking for ways to raise families and live the American dream. Today, the American Muslim community feels like all Americans do: outraged, betrayed, and demanding justice be served quickly. Zeenat Rahman is even more personal: I went to the mosque today, to observe the ritual Friday prayer. I prayed for the souls of the victims and for their families, not because the alleged perpetrator is Muslim, but because as a Muslim, that is what…

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