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Rev. Rob Lee Lost Congregation For His Anti-Racism Speech: Here’s Why He Should Have Packed His Bags First

…it is the reality of working respectfully in community. Go to top Go to top So I’m not in favor of demanding Christians take particular social stances as a mode of pastoral ministry. To be very clear, it’s the “demanding” part that’s problematic here, not the idea that the Christian faith entails certain views on social equality. It does. And America very much needs leaders who can articulate the urgent…

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Jews and Christians for Santorum?

…aired in 2005, during which, like a good Jew, he compares gay people to Nazis: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Mass. Hysteria Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook According to the group’s press release, Gary Cass, a protege of the late D. James Kennedy and the founder of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, is also a member of Jews and Christians Together…

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Trick or….Bible: Christians Coping with Halloween

…vexed—relationship to Halloween. The movement began in 2002, and the organization’s website,, doesn’t appear to have been updated since 2012. But it’s still worth talking about, and not because it fits with the famililar “Ain’t those Evanglicals kooky?” meme. More recently, actor Kirk Cameron urged Evangelical families to approach Halloween, not quite as “Jesus Ween,” but along similar lines: You should have the biggest party on…

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In “The Promise,” A Reminder That U.S. Apathy to Genocide Endures

…etting process, and minimal financial support, it was an attempt to recognize that Americans are generous and responsible. The current policy of letting no one into the country says that we are neither. When we say that we do not want people to come and help us realize that vision of a greater country, we mean that what we think is not worth anything. Something of value is always shared, unless we choose to say we are greedy. To turn away refugees…

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Great Moments In Bipartisanship: Bible Edition

…increases in worker productivity. [ I Samuel 17]: The Valley of Elah is abuzz with rumors that Goliath will skirt a difficult confrontation with David by switching to the Israelites, thereby avoiding a primary challenge in the Philistine party. Goliath continues to occasionally refer to himself as a “Philistine,” refuses to vote for Israelite priorities, but does start a Twitter war with Chuck Grassley. [Psalm 23]: Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck decry “…

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#NamaSlay, Or How Black Women Are Using Trap Yoga as a Mode of Spiritual Resistance

…essage is positivity.” As much as Western culture has taken yoga and colonized it for capitalist ends, Rogers still thinks about what it means when the black community repurposes yoga. She feels trap yoga isn’t a response to its originators, but more a response to what the United States did to yoga, which was make it expensive and bland. “I would be lying if I said we’re honoring the Bh…

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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…o be there. A lot of times it’s pushed by financial need, and so they realize, “Gosh, we can’t even afford this building if we don’t do something with it.” So, that’s not a bad thing, but it’s definitely sometimes a change agent. People realize, you know, we only have 20 people tithing nowadays, so we’ve got to figure out something. That makes them a lot more open-minded, and hopefully that can generate change and help everybody to see the possibi…

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In 2012 Bishops Join Fight to Repackage Discrimination as ‘Religious Freedom’

…Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of faith-based organizations providing social services, particularly during tough economic times. In Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, and most recently in Illinois, Catholic Charities has shut down its adoption services entirely rather face the mere possibility of placing children with same-sex couples. The contraceptive co-pay rule, as written, e…

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7 Problems with Trump’s Hastily-Tweeted Trans Military Ban

…cry on social media when House Republicans, led by Missouri Rep. Vicki Hartzler, attempted to add an amendment to the defense authorization bill that would ban all surgical care for transgender service members. The amendment, which could be read to prohibit all clinical care for trans troops aside from talk therapy, failed by a narrow margin last week. Nevertheless, it appears that the cynical, anti-LGBT forces that continue to stroll through the…

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How Merle Haggard Saved My Soul

…ater pardoned by Ronald Reagan. But the man knew what he spoke of. In sharp contrast to the bleakness of “Mama Tried” stands the deep hope of the greatest Christmas song ever written, “If We Make It Through December,” with its trusting assertion “I plan to be in a warmer town come summertime.” Haggard rarely name-checked the Lord in his songs, but he didn’t need to. You couldn’t listen to a line like tha…

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