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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…e civil government to do anything more (like provide education or a safety net for the poor) is idolatry. Each sphere is independent of the others (so the state is not subject to the church) but all three are under biblical law and “religious” in character. Reconstructionists, unlike many Christians read the Bible as a coherent whole; both Old and New Testaments. They believe that the Trinity was present at creation and that while some parts of th…

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Milquetoast Liberal Religion Won’t Challenge Conservative Values: A History Lesson

…uring the Great Depression the federal government not only provided safety nets in the form of relief, food aid, public housing, mortgage assistance, unemployment insurance, and farm aid, but more significantly, it undertook a series of job-creation programs that gave back to millions of unemployed workers and their families precisely what the Depression had taken from them—the opportunity to support themselves with dignity. The jobs provided by t…

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Beware Mitt Romney’s “Softer Side”

…mental storytelling is an American tradition dating back at least to the nineteenth century. It encourages us to zero-in on the anecdote—to identify with and shed tears for the helplessness of the victim—and lose complete sight of the big picture.  Is there anything in Romney’s foreign policy that will ensure that more Navy SEALS, sailors, and soldiers will come home quickly? Does the Romney-Ryan budget maintain the social safety net on which disa…

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Romney’s VP Pick of Ryan Will Bring Religion to the Fore

…ics,” an odd statement of solidarity with those who oppose the contraception mandate. Are we now all Catholics who beileve that subsidiarity means we need to slash the social safety net and leave the poor and vulnerable to fend for themselves? Because that, essentially, is what Mitt Romney is saying with his veep pick….

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The “Mormon Moment” Yields… Not So Much

…ey lost, Mormon media observers felt that his campaign must have yielded a net positive for public understanding of the Mormon faith.  But new data released by the Pew Forum suggests otherwise. 82% of Americans surveyed by Pew say they learned little to nothing about Mormonism during the 2012 campaign.  Nearly 50% said they still know “little to nothing” about Mormonism, a proportion unchanged from 2011.  And only about 40% could answer two basic…

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For Conservatives, the Future Looks Dim… and Gay

…is actually a human wrong.” Others, like David Lane who, writes for World Net Daily and is funded by the certified hate group the American Family Association, are writing op-eds calling for America to return to being a “Christian nation.” Christians must be retrained to war for the Soul of America and quit believing the fabricated whopper of the “Separation of Church and State,” the lie repeated ad nauseum by the left and liberals to keep Christi…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…. The same year, it reached the members of a Mat-Su Valley, Alaska, church network (the Valley Pastors Prayer Network) whose pastors were so gripped by the video that they made contact with most of the religious figures shown in George Otis Jr.’s production. And they were so especially taken with Thomas Muthee’s story they brought him to Alaska in 1999 and raised $30,000 so Muthee could buy land in Kenya to build his church. As detailed in a late…

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Francis Must Make Changes to Have a Real Effect

…trine typo was just that, as was the difference in Francis’ and Benedict’s net favorability rating, which is 11 points, not 6. But my point remains. Given the near-consensus that Benedict’s papacy was pretty much a disaster for the church, I find it a bit surprising that three-quarters of Catholics still had a generally favorable view of the guy. To me, as I said, it suggests that most Catholics don’t pay much attention to the particulars in Rome…

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Pew Finds Trump-Era Increase in the ‘Evangelical’ Label — And Yes, They’re ‘Real’ Evangelicals

…me group of people polled after both the 2016 and the 2020 elections, is a net four percent increase in white Americans who identified as born again or evangelical over that time period, with the increase apparently driven by favorable attitudes toward Donald Trump. That’s an interesting finding, but it simply doesn’t sustain the conclusion that “evangelicals have exchanged religion for power,” as one writer summarized Charles M. Blow’s commentary…

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Swiftboating Obama’s Health Care Reform?

…ssments of IndyMac led to a run on the bank, “with depositors taking out a net $1.3 billion in the following two weeks,” according to the Los Angeles Times. The former employees accused Schumer of “a malicious, politically motivated act.” CRC circulated a letter from the employees to California Attorney General Jerry Brown to major media. “The letter, signed mostly by former staffers at IndyMac’s now-shuttered mortgage operation, asks Brown to inv…

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