“Troublemaker” Women Honored, Receive Ivy
What sort of religious institution honors a “run-like-hell Catholic” and the first Asian-American woman Rabbi, among others?
Read MoreWhat sort of religious institution honors a “run-like-hell Catholic” and the first Asian-American woman Rabbi, among others?
Read MoreSomething is missing from the world of instant communicating, microblogging, and social media: the body. There’s no face-to-face in Facebook, and no turning back. Are we becoming a network of phantoms?
Read MoreHighlights of a literary night in Rome: “You know what will happen,” she exclaims. “They’ll burn the books… before the furniture… before the clothes… they’ll burn all the books… They always do.”
Read MoreA reality show about a failing family. The upholding of Prop. 8. There’s hypocrisy afoot in our culture.
Read MoreThe prequel to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, features a “theo-physicist” on a mission to save the Catholic church from itself and perhaps the first action-movie villain driven to his diabolical acts by an addiction to intelligent design theory. Why are Americans so attracted to metaphysical thrills?
Read MoreWalter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, Hamlet, Abu Ghraib, and why the Eucharist involves the live audience in a way that Mel Gibson’s The Passion never could.
Read MoreRecently released results from a survey of mainline clergy reveals that, when policies are portrayed honestly, the number of clergy who support same-sex marriage, adoption, etc., nearly doubles.
Read MoreThe director of a new documentary talks about Dick Cheney’s daughter, the arrogance of power, and the days when Republicans weren’t anti-gay.
Read MoreBush-era intelligence briefings featured cover pages subtitled with decontextualized and misunderstood scripture in deference to the piety of the administration. Where were the Christian and Jewish moderates, and why didn’t they denounce this extremism?
Read MoreConservative bogeyman? Militant black nationalist? Cool screen-print? This quintessential intellectual was so much more.
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