
Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing


While Jewish foodies frequently use “traditional cultures” to critique everything from the cruelty and impact of modern agribusiness, to the lack of pleasure and meaning we derive from our food, they flout their own tradition when it comes to eating pig meat to the detriment of their greater goals. 

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Unbuckling the Bible Belt: “Nashville” and the Nones


The choices and consequences on “Nashville”—ABC’s popular drama, returning on January 15—are shaped not by evangelical faith, but by redemptive crusades to achieve an awkward, messy, and ambiguous sense of moral and musical purity. By exchanging the role of traditional southern Christianity for postmodern Bible Belt spirituality, the show brings the South into conformity with the shifting demographics of the rest of the country.

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As Cambodia Erupts in Protest, a Stolen Buddhist Relic Ignites Anger


“I was quite shocked upon learning of the relic’s loss,” said former prime minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh in a rare public statement released days after the disappearance. “As a Buddhist and the one who listed Buddhism as the state religion in the 1993 constitution, I am extremely sad, completely grievous for the loss of the Buddha relics which were a happy, peaceful, prosperous, and holy thing for our respectful country.”

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Robert Bellah’s Powerful Legacy: A Mixed Blessing for Religious Studies?


When we talk of a department of religious studies being the breeding grounds for a “new religious consciousness” together with Bellah’s evangelizing for republican civil religion, along with his desire to inform a “a new way of being religious within modern culture,” we can easily see how Bellah got the Berkeley secularists running for their guns. What was Bellah, a sociologist, thinking, anyway? Had he forgotten all he learned and taught about first-order religious institutions? 

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