How a Catholic-Majority SCOTUS Fulfilled an Evangelical Dream
This is not a majority Catholic court. It’s the Supreme Court that the strange alliance of the religious right built.
Read MoreThis is not a majority Catholic court. It’s the Supreme Court that the strange alliance of the religious right built.
Read MoreIn its melodramatic posturing, the Bundy occupation was almost like a ceremonial re-enactment of the heart of white possessiveness.
Read MoreThe #metoo and #churchtoo movements have put SBC leaders on the defensive, as earlier revelations of widespread child sexual abuse by priests did to the all-male Roman Catholic hierarchy. Yet both groups continue to deny that there could be any connection between all-male power and the sexual abuse of women and children.
Read More“The thing most of us have been talking about is to encourage the use of medical technology, the morning-after pills and very good new drugs. There are already very interesting groups of women my age feeling we could take the risk of loading up our vans to take road trips and give them out at churches.”
Read MoreOne critic was like, “Rachel Held Evans bases her Biblical interpretation on all the feels”… So I took a picture of my endnotes, which are lengthy, and sent them to him with the note, “All the feels, page 1,” “All the feels, page 2″…
Read MoreAfter all the uproar over Jeff Sessions’ use of Romans 13 to defend the extravagant cruelty of separating migrant families at the U.S. border, you might be tempted to bet against administration members citing scripture.
Read MoreWe are all like Sanders and other conservative white evangelicals insofar as we all have confirmation bias, making it difficult for us to accept evidence contrary to what we already believe, but the history and faith practices of white evangelicals offer an additional set of tools of belief.
Read MoreThis view of government did not spring into existence with this administration or with the Truth Project—Focus users have been learning it for decades.
Read MoreSelf-definition and even strident public opposition are one thing. Parsing who’s a “real” Christian and who’s not is something else.
Read MoreIn short, Jeff Sessions is a gutless coward, without the courage of his professed religious beliefs; without even a rudimentary moral compass beyond White America Good. Brown America Bad.
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